31 May 2008 -- SurfWatch is reporting live from the Majini Island on the VSA Surf Jam 4 -- Starting Saturday 31May 2008 from 1200 hrs Second Life Time (SLT or PDT) or 1900 hrs GMT.


This is the fourth VSA Surf Jam of the year, which takes place today on Majini beach's Epic wave break. 17 surfers are expected to take part in the competition.
SurfWatch will post the competition heat draws, semi finals results and finals results only for Surf Jam 4.

SurfWatch Results is also available on the mobile (cellular) Internet via SurfWatch Mobile
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INTERVIEW - Heather Goodliffe

By Tauri Tigerpaw. Exclusive to SurfWatch.

It's no exaggeration to say that without the
legendary Second Life surfing wave and board developer known variously as The Big Kahuna, the mother of Second Life surfing and sometimes just as Heather Goodliffe, Second Life surfing simply wouldn't exist in its current form. SurfWatch got to talk Heather about the impact of the Havok4 server update, the surfboard exchange program and the current state of Second Life surfing.

SurfWatch: When did you create the first surfable wave in Second Life?

Heather: Lets see, I think it wasn't too long after I came to Second Life, probably February or March 2006. I spent a little bit of time exploring and learning about scripting and building. From the start there were certain things I just felt were off in Second Life. Not having waves was one of them. I think it was
Sebastian Saramago who actually bought the first set of waves. He's definitely the one who really motivated me to make them surfable, working together we made the very first set of surfboards that actually interacted with the waves.

SurfWatch: You've done all this in that short amount of time. Incredible...

Thanks. I've had a lot of help and collaboration from a lot of talented people. [smiles] Seb, Keala, and Poid, just to mention a few, as well as a lot of great customers who've pretty much funded the development with the waves and boards they've bought. There have been a few in particular who have really invested in our work and really helped to drive it that way.

Any feeling for how Second Life surfing has faired since Havok4?

It's an on-going pain, but it has been settling down. I'm now bracing myself for the upcoming Mono release which I'm sure will be just as fun. But as far as the surfing goes, we haven't really done a whole lot on the boards themselves. The effort is more in following up with Linden Lab to make sure they're fixing problems relevant to surfing and setting up a system by which we could efficiently exchange boards for people. I've also made rounds to all the Epic and pipeline wave sites to make adjustments to the waves.

So the current upgrades fix the old board floatation issues?

Well, I also did some other minor changes I'd been working on for a while based on feedback from surfers: such as setting the camera to be zoomed in or out via the dialog. And the automatic sit target adjustments so that people aren't floating over the boards or have their feet through the boards so much.

So are there any issues with maneuvers and riding on waves after the upgrades?

Well, they may ride differently. Some people have reported that the short boards go a bit nutty when people do flips. I did mess around with making some adjustments to how the boards ride, but the experience is that people like how they ride pretty well already, and it's pretty hard to improve on. Or at least not many want it to change much.

So are you getting good input from surfers on the new beta boards that are being tested?

Yeah, I've gotten some great feedback on some experimental things, but we probably won't be touching the way the boards surf for a while. The experimental boards are a bit more realistic in some ways, but it kind of trades off on the fun in some other ways. So, we're going to opt for more fun!

Surfwatch: WOOOT!!! So any updates on how the current board exchange program is going?

Well, just a big thanks to Abel Halderman! [smiles] He's done many many board exchanges and made a lot of people very happy.

Any updates to future board upgrades? You mentioned last time that you were working on a more efficient way to upgrade old boards...

Yeah, I put together a script that I think will do the job but it relies somewhat on a backend server. I still need to test it to make sure it works reliably and intuitively.

Any insight on how boards sales have been effected? Have they picked up post Havok4?

I'd say they're doing very good. [smiles] Poid's also put out some new windsurfers which people have really liked as well. Earlier in the month was pretty bad for board sales and just for Second Life in general, I think. We still have daily asset server problems and various other issues, but there were a couple weeks there where I think a lot of people pretty much just lost faith in Second Life transactions working at all.

We heard from Linden Lab that the waves have a high impact on sim performance. What can you tell us about that?

Heather: Yes, with the foam waves in the open water sims and not the pipelines waves, the sim stats would look fine in the void sims, but according to the Lindens they were dragging down all the sims hosted on the same machine in some special Linden Lab stats only they could see. Unfortunately, it looks like we're pretty dependent on
Linden Lab to fix this one. Meanwhile, Maggie Linden has been visiting sims and 'helpfully' returning waves, which understandably upset a few people. I've done an alternative work-around version of the waves until the underlying problem is resolved, but haven't heard from the Lindens what effect it has on their Linden accessible stats.

SurfWatch: So Linden Lab is working on that issue currently?

Heather: Yeah, it sounded like Simon Linden was working on improving the rezzing of objects under Havok4 which I suspect is the bigger problem. Maggie seemed to think it had to do with H4's handling the movement of the specific the shape.

SurfWatch: Any updates that you know about that Linden Lab is working on?

Heather: Well, I believe they're in the process of rolling out an updated sim version. I'm not entirely sure what all they got into this update, but I believe it's supposed to have improved the issue with the foam waves.

SurfWatch: Anything else you'd like to add that maybe we didn't ask?

Heather: Poid probably wouldn't mind me mentioning the phosphorescent waves. I think you did a piece on the ones she set up not too long ago (see SurfWatch 9 May 08). You can see we've incorporated a script into the pipelines running here at the SSi beach. She's a creative one. They do make for a very cool effect. [smiles]
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Surf's up at Kahuna Beach!

By Ashleigh Dickens

Favourite surfing spot for Second Life surfers Kahuna Beach reopened this month at Hedonism Estates after several months off the grid. Many surfers will remember Hedonism's twin surf beaches from last fall and early winter: two surf breaks, one with a sim-wide Epic wave, the other with a rocky cove with pipes and fluffies.

Kahuna Beach's fabulous beach break

"There were a lot of sad people when we closed the [surfing] sims," said Phelan James, owner of Hedonism Estates. "Financially they were not feasible, so some hard descisions had to be made and sadly they needed to go. I was being asked regularly if the waves were coming back. With Linden Lab created new pricing structure and with the successful restructure of Hedonism we could do just that: bring them back. And here they are!"

The main surf beach at Hedonism had been named Kahuna Beach by the late surfing legend Thor Bishop. However, early in this year the two surfing sims vanished off the grid. In recent weeks, Hedonism reopened Kahuna Beach, which is very similar to the beach surfers will remember, with it's long Epic wave and thin strip of sand. The landscaping and atmosphere has changed a little, but the name has not.

Hedonism is a clothing optional island and so too is Kahuna Beach, however, as Phelan is keen to point out that with freedom comes responsibility. "If someone is not able to act like a responsible adult they are banned. I am often known to be running around naked. I have even surfed that way. It is fun. As long as you act responsibly anything goes. Just do not hassle other people. Hedonism is not a sex sim: it is not our focus. We are about adult fun. So why restrict it? There is plenty of other restricted places to go for that."

Hedonism is a community of 7 sims and there are plans to expand Hedonism Estates to 18 sims in total. Hedonism Estates has also recently announced plans to link-up with TCH Estates and Wilder Estates to form a new mega-estate called the Broadwater Antilles (see SurfWatch 23 May 2008).

SLURL: Kahuna Beach
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QUENCH wins big day at Neart

Neart's competition wave break

It was a big day for QUENCH Spotter at the Reaction Longboard Epic on Saturday as he upset the rankings by coming through from the bottom of the SLSA table to win a semi-finals tie-break heat at Neart and then continued on to win his first ever SLSA surfing competition.

"I knew where my weaknesses were on the wave and managed to avoid them. The conditions at Neart were fab and I felt good about most my rides in the final heat," said QUENCH after his win. "You get that tingle inside that you know -- oh yeah baby! This wave wants me! And then you go for all!"

29 surfers competed in seven qualifying heats at the
Reaction Longboard Epic, out of a total of 35 registered, sending 15 surfers through to the semi-finals. However, two of the semi-finals produced two second place ties, forcing the judges to call a semi-final tie-breaker heat with five surfers to decide who would join semi-finals winners Christine Daffodil, Pova Rustamova and VW Sands in the final heat.

"QUENCH came through from a highly competitive semi-finals tie-breaker heat," said Sally LaSalle, SLSA director and one of the three judges at the competition. "And the tie-break had the highest average scores of any heat of the day."

Desne Aabye, Paeida Allen, Desirae Beaumont, Abel Halderman and QUENCH Spotter all faced off in the tie-breaker, which saw Desne, Paeida and QUENCH go through to the final. "I was so stoked to make it to the semis: that alone to me was an achievement," said QUENCH. "Once I passed that and found out that I was in a tie-breaker heat, I was in Second Life shock!"

QUENCH shared the winners podium with second place VW Sands and third place Christine Daffodil (see pic above). SLSA Marshall Tauri Tigerpaw was awarded the Surfcamp Outstanding Sportsmanship Award of the event.

The Reaction Longboard Epic at Neart was the fourth competition in the SLSA calendar and the SLSA season's first competition with Epic waves. It was also the first surfing competition to be held applying the SLSA's new 'wave count rule' in the event's semi-finals and finals heats, allowing all semi-finalists and finalists to catch four waves each.


1. Quench Spotter (17.83 points)
2. VW Sands (17.50 points)
3. Christine Daffodil (17.16 points)
4. Pova Rustamova (16.66 points)
5. Paeida Allen (16.5 points)
6. Desne Aabye (16.0 points)

SurfWatch: LIVE RESULTS -- Reaction Longboard Epic (24 May 08)
SurfWatch: SLSA draws Neart heats (24 May 08)
SurfWatch: Lady in red (21 May 08)
SurfWatch: Surfing Calendar May-June 2008 (19 May 08)
SLURL: Neart, West of Ireland

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LIVE RESULTS -- Reaction Longboard Epic

SurfWatch is reporting live from the West of Ireland Bundoran and Neart sims on the SLSA Reaction Longboard Epic surfing competition -- Starting Saturday 24 May 2008 from 1100 hrs Second Life Time (SLT or PDT) or 1800 hrs GMT.


This is the fourth competition in the SLSA calendar, one of only two surfing competitions left in the season and the SLSA seasons first competition with Epic waves. 35 surfers are expected to take part in the competition including 15 out of the top 20 SLSA ranked competition surfers in the season's standings.

SurfWatch will endeavour to post competition results throughout the Reaction Longboard Epic. However, as last month's Surfline competition proved beyond doubt, anything can happen in Second Life!

Live results also available on the mobile (cellular) Internet via SurfWatch Mobile

Useful links

SurfWatch: SLSA draws Neart heats (24 May 08)

SurfWatch: Lady in red (21 May 08)

SurfWatch: Surfing Calendar May-June 2008 (19 May 08)

URL: Competition Day Requirements (for Surfers and Spectators)

URL: Judging criteria

SLURL: Neart (competitors only)

SLURL: Bundoran Reef (spectators sim)
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SLSA draws Neart heats

Surfing heats drawn for 35 competitors; SLSA judges to trial new 'wave count rule' for first time at Neart

Neart bay, home to West of Ireland's Epic wave break

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) has drawn the heat line-ups for what is now called the Reaction Longboard Epic surfing competition at Neart, which takes place at 1100 hrs SLT (1800 hrs GMT) Saturday at Neart in the West of Ireland group of sims.

35 surfers are now expected to compete in the Longboard Epic, according to the heat draws list distributed to competition surfers on Friday evening, three more than registered for the re-scheduled Surfline competition held at the end of April. In all, 15 out of the top 20 SLSA ranked competition surfers are registered for Neart including table-leader Pova Rustamova, second place DeVinna Toll, third place Colleeen Brennan and all three Surfline competition winners, Abel Halderman (1st), Desirae Beaumont (2nd) and Craig Stallion (3rd).

The Reaction Longboard Epic at Neart will be the first surfing competition to be held applying the SLSA's new 'wave count rule' in the event's semi-finals and finals heats. The rule has been introduced to offer a level of protection for semi-finalists and finalists against browser crashes and other technical malfunctions. Under the new rule, semi-finalists and finalists scores will be calculated on 4 waves versus holding surfers to a strictly timed heat. Pova was knocked out of the Surfline Shortboard Pro in the semi-finals due to a system crash, which resulted in him failing to catch three scoreable waves. The new rule is being introduced at Neart on a trial basis pending a permanent change to the SLSA competition rules.

Pova Rustamova (RED)
Bobbi Laval (BLUE)
Craig Stallion (GREEN)
Socks Clawtooth (ORANGE)
Payten Harrop (PURPLE)

DeVinna Toll (RED)
Ashleigh Dickins (BLUE)
Mick Lunasea (GREEN)
LeahJane Cazalet (ORANGE)
Malcolm Sydney (PURPLE)

Colleen Brennan (RED)
Desne Aabye (BLUE)
Carolin Gausman (GREEN)
AlexSurfer Hirons (ORANGE)
Pyper Dollinger (PURPLE)

Abel Halderman (RED)
Timbo Flanagan (BLUE)
Paeida Allen (GREEN)
Jaay Zymurgy (ORANGE)
Fungus Kamachi (PURPLE)

Desirae Beaumont (RED)
Buffy Munro (BLUE)
Oneill Auer (GREEN)
Shelby Fitzgerald (ORANGE)
Kathy Heberle (PURPLE)

VW Sands (RED)
Vic Bonetto (BLUE)
Rani Decosta (GREEN)
Wuan Saka (PURPLE)

Christine Daffodil (RED)
Cipriano Grut (BLUE)
Mateus Rieko (GREEN)
Crusader Arado (ORANGE)
Countess Decosta (PURPLE)

Notes: The (COLOUR) in brackets denotes the colour of the surfer's competition shirt. The heats draw may always be subject to last minute changes.

Surfers contacts: Milo Voss / Radical Twang / Sally LaSalle

SurfWatch: Lady in red (21 May 08)
SurfWatch: Surfing Calendar May-June 2008 (19 May 08)
URL: Competition Day Requirements (for Surfers and Spectators)
URL: Judging criteria
SLURL: Neart (competitors only)
SLURL: Bundoran Reef (spectators sim)

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Estates join forces to create massive watersports development

Broadwater Antilles well positioned to become the largest group of surfing sims, the largest group of ocean sims for the Neo-Realms Fishing System and the largest group of ocean sims for sailing outside the Second Life mainland.

Pipeline surf break on Saba Island

Three Second Life entrepreneurs have announced an ambitious new project that will include what could be the largest watersports development in Second Life. The new mega-estate or 'continent' is called the Broadwater Antilles and it looks set to become a powerful force in Second Life diving, sailing, surfing and other watersports.

ATown Fall, Phelan James and Niki Wilder, owners of TCH Estates, Hedonism Estates and Wilder Estates respectively, have already begun integrating their estates to create Broadwater Antilles, which will consist of 26 sims in the first two phases of its development, while at least 12 more sims will be added to the development during phase three. TCH Estate's sims, which will form the core of the new development are not yet connected to the other estates' sim, however more sims are expected to be integrated into the development as Linden Lab processes requests to relocate sims on the Second Life grid. All sims will be open with no ban lines obstructing free passage.

TCH, Hedonism and Wilder estates combined account for well over 100 Second Life sims, although Broadwater is tight-lipped about the final number of sims that will eventually be integrated into phase four and five of the development. Importantly, these estates are being linked together by a large expanse of landscaped / seascaped ocean sims that will be dedicated to sports and leisure activites including surfing, sailing and diving. The first two phases inlcude two Epic wave breaks (including TCH's Barbuda and Hedonism's Kahuna Beach), four pipeline wave breaks (including TCH's Saba Island and Mandi Island) and numerous ocean foam wave breaks (or fluffies).

For those that appreciate larger craft, Wilder Skies' aircraft carrier

According to Broadwater, the development is being created to further develop the core activities of each of the business partners including Wilder Skies (home to Second Life's biggest public aircraft carrier), TCH Dive, TCH Surf, TCH Sports, TCH Yacht Club, Hedonistic Isle Marina and Kahuna Beach Mall. Broadwater Antilles is expected to become a major player in Second Life sailing with the largest group of ocean sims outside of the mainland. It will also boast the largest group of connected sims for the Neo-Realms Fishing System.

SurfWatch: TCH Surf launches new longboards
SLURL: Barbuda (TCH Estates, Broadwater Antilles)

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The lady in red

By Socks Clawtooth,
Senior Furry Correspondent.

I was over at Neart practicing for the upcoming SLSA event (who am I kidding, I was just messing around in an Epic I'd never been on). If you've never been there, I really recommend going. If for nothing else go for the free Guinness.

As a furry surfer, one of the few, I tend to not be subtle. This morning I'm in my brown lop bunny. Oh, something else about furries: a lot of us change species at the drop of a hat. I've got foxes, wolves, cats, dogs, horses (normal and supernatural, Grendels is a trippy store), otters and sea lions, probably more, I've lost track. I think I have an elephant in there too. So this morning, it's the lop.

As I'm riding a wave back in, my eye is drawn to shore to see where I'm going to meet it, and I'm surprised to see someone there. Well, I didn't see her at first, but I saw the dress. It blew in the wind effortlessly as she stood at the water's edge, gazing into the cold sea. A splash of red on the Irish coast line watching the water. I thought nothing of it, the view here is very nice. I made it to shore and watched her a moment, I mean how could I not?

Then she walked into the water to her knees, and off onto the sea. A little odd, sure, but... oh wait, she's 20M down and walking. Oh dear. She turned around and came back to shore, still in her heels and flowing red dress. Something is amiss. I check a profile, and nothing on it. She's a new SL resident, 4 days old if that. Stunning dress, however.

I watch her a while longer, and go catch another wave. On the way back in I see her standing on the shore, taking off her dress. Phew! Swimsuit under it, oh good. Not that I'm against nudity or anything, just not at a public beach. She's standing on shore, over a board, and pacing around it. I paddle over, introduce myself, and ask her if she needs help. "I don't know if I can use this surfboard!" Oh! I can help! I check it, it's open to all, then I remember she's fresh off the Welcome Island.

So, I give her a crash course in surfing 101. After a few rides, and we did party waves all the way, she said "Yes, this is much better!" And she's much happier. "I have to go," she said "thank you for your help." And with that, she vanished into the Ether. I picked my old board up, and went on surfing. Will I ever see her again? Well, Second Life is a big place, one never knows. But it got me to thinking.

The reason we're all into surfing here is we all 'get it'. There's a vibe, an energy that you just don't get in other places. We could spend hours in a club, or in a seedy dive, or a live show somewhere, but we choose surfing. It's the waves, its virtual nature that many of us can't get to, or others of us can and bring that energy to the virtual world.

We may laugh at the n00b who rezzes boxes on their heads, but we're all that guy once in our lives. I bring an attitude over from other sports of "teach someone". Some guy is having a hard time, ten minutes of your life is a small investment to get someone to enjoy something for a lifetime. So, why not take some time with a new rider? Understand that they don't know how to do flips or cutback turns nor even how to do that cool 'eagle stance'. They're honestly happy running end to end on a pipe, and they're stoked when they can do it standing up! More people exposed to it means more ideas, more beaches down the road, more board designers and more people to ride with. There are friends you have, and friends you have not met yet. Help one of the second group out.

As a side note, I feel bad for you people at Neart. You're gonna freeze your buns off! I know I won't, I've got a fur coat to keep me warm!

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Surfing calendar - May-June 2008

SLSA Neart Longboard Pro Competition
Saturday 24 May 2008, 1100 hrs SLT (1800 hrs GMT)

After the Second Life Surfing Association's Monkeh Barrel competition changed to pipeline waves at the last minute, Neart, in the West of Ireland group of sims, is now expected to be the association's first Epic longboard event of 2008. The Neart Longboard Pro was postponed from Saturday 26 April to Saturday 24 May 2008. As usual, a field of 40 surfers are expected to take part in 8 heats starting at 1100 hrs Second Life time (SLT).

Registrations for the event are in progress in the SLSA Forum.

Competitors and spectators p
lease check out the SLSA's requirements for attending on the SLSA forum before you teleport to Neart on the day.

Surfers contact: Milo Voss and Radical Twang

Useful links

URL: SLSA competition calendar
URL: Competition Day Requirements (for Surfers and Spectators)
URL: Judging Criteria

SLURL: Neart

VSA Surf Jam 4

Saturday 31 May 2008, 1100 hrs SLT (1800 hrs GMT)

The fourth Vibrations Surf Alliance Surf Jam of 2008 takes place on Saturday 31 May at 1100hrs SLT on Majini Island, part of the Bishara Resorts sim. The monthly Surf Jam's are members only events, limited to 20 competitors. Surfers will face off in four preliminary heats, narrowing down to 10 surfers in the semis and 5 for the finals' heats.

Surfers contact: VW Sands

Useful Links

SurfWatch: Buffy grabs second Surf Jam win (20 Apr 08)
SurfWatch: First post-Havok4 havoc Second Life surfing competition now set for 19 April

SLURL: Majini Island

SLSA El Corazon Competition

Saturday 14 June 2008, 1100 hrs SLT (1800 hrs GMT)

El Corazon surfing competition is now scheduled for Saturday 14 June 2008 at 1100 hrs Second Life time (SLT) at El Corazon (this event was re-scheduled to the new date on 7 April 2008). 40 surfers are expected to take part in 8 heats.

Surfers contact: Milo Voss and Radical Twang

Useful links

URL: SLSA competition calendar

SLURL: El Corazon

New surfing 'invitational' (details yet to be announced)

Saturday 21 June 2008, 1100 hrs SLT (1800 hrs GMT)

A new addition to this year's calendar is an invitation-only surfing event to be held on Saturday 21 June 2008, after the end of the official SLSA season. Details are to be released shortly.

Surfers contact: to be confirmed

Other events

VSA Wind Jam 1

Saturday 7June 2008, 1100 hrs SLT (1800 hrs GMT)

The first Wind Jam to be organised by the Vibrations Surfing Alliance takes place on Saturday 7 June at 1100hrs SLT on Majini Island, part of the Bishara Resorts sim. The VSA hopes to turn this event into a monthly occurance like its already established Surf Jam.

Windsurfers contact: VW Sands

Useful Links

SurfWatch: Cipriano wins Secondreef cup (4 May 08)

SLURL: Majini Island

Windsurf RSX Fun Races
Monday 26 May 2008, 1100 hrs SLT (1800 hrs GMT)

A weekly windsurfing competition for RS:X windsurfers organised on Mondays by Fishers Island Yacht Club in the Plum Gut and Sailor's Cove sims.
RS:X and RS:iX windsurfers use real wind.

Windsurfers contact: Surfwidow Beaumont

Useful Links

SLURL: Plum Gut

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SLSA Elections (Part II) - Why should you care?

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) is the body that organises Second Life's calendar of independent surfing competitions, tallies the results and calculates the season's standings. It was established for, and only recognises the votes of, competition surfers. However, as the only open, non-commercial surfing association with a established constitution, the association has a number of other important leadership roles to play in Second Life surfing. Its rules and practices provide a standard by which other competition organisers stage their own events. The SLSA is also the voice of Second Life surfing and is really the only representative of the surfing community with any authority because it has an elected board of directors.

The surfing community needs a voice, as anyone who witnessed the lack of recognition for surfing in the recent Havok4 roll-out must surely agree. There is certainly room for improvement, but the SLSA is the body that can represent the surfing community on big issues that need to be visible on Linden Lab's agenda and others. This was never the SLSA's primary objective, but the need is there and sometimes the unwritten, unagreed duties to Second Life surfing as a whole can actually get in the way of its core business.

With SLSA membership growing by about 7% per month, and now over the 300 mark, representing the wider surfing community is not an easy responsibility to avoid. Surfing is one of the fastest growing pastimes in Second Life. If SLSA membership growth continues, it will be a 500-600 member association by early 2009. Surfing contributes more and more each month to the Second Life economy and surfing is an activity that actively helps to build economically viable communities in Second Life.

The SLSA is undoubtedly at a turning point in its history and under great pressure to change and change it should: with all due care and attention. Expanding its activities and interests risks weakening the association's core focus on competition surfing. Failing to expand its activities and interests risks making an increasing number of SLSA members irrelevant to the association. Exactly how the association should change, who it should represent, what interests it should put first and who should be allowed voting rights is the responsibility of today's eligible voters. Whether you agree or disagree with the current SLSA rulebook, today only the votes of competition surfers count.

Surfing and politics rarely mix and so perhaps surfers have a natural aversion to the process of elections, sitting on committees and arguing points of policy. Meanwhile, the weight of running elections, competitions and other SLSA activities
, let alone debating points of SLSA future policy, falls on the shoulders of a few brave individuals that volunteer to sit on the SLSA board. There are remarkably few of them and, given that most people come to Second Life to have fun, they sacrifice quite a lot of their fun time in order that others may enjoy their 'drama free' surfing.

Voting is a small price to pay for having the SLSA around.

SurfWatch: Election voices 2 (15 May 08)
SurfWatch: Election voices (14 May 08)
SurfWatch: SLSA Election Up-date (13 May 08)
SurfWatch: SLSA Elections (Part I) - What's going on? (10 May 08)
SurfWatch: New SLSA directors announced (2 Mar 08)

URL: SLSA Rulebook
URL: SLSA Season Standings
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Election voices continued (2)

By Tauri Tigerpaw

What do surfers really want from the SLSA? (continued)

"The SLSA has been the governing body for competition surfing in Second Life since it´s conception. Certainly, not the only organisation to conduct surf contests, but is the 'official' group running contests. Considering the explosion of new members, I would like to see the SLSA offer twice as many contests or at the very least, two-day contests to allow more riders the chance to ride. I would love to see Saturday and Sunday contests. Twice as many openings (or at least an increase to 60). Pre-lims to be run on Saturdays and semis and the final on Sundays. Other than that more "quicky" events. Perhaps mini-contests between big events. SLSA parties? A chance for the riders to get to know the people behind the SLSA a little better? All of which are things they can think about after getting back on solid ground, so to speak.

"I think the SLSA does a great job and I for one apreciate all the hard work the board members do for the membership. I would only suggest that the board members ask us for help when they get in a jam. Most of us would be more than willing to help out to lighten the load." -- VW Sands (see pic, top left), competition surfer ranked 6th in the SLSA season standings.

"What I want from the SLSA is a stronger awareness that those with the loudest voices are rarely in the majority. And chocolate... lots and lots of chocolate... and waterballoons.... and crowns and tiaras for everyone.... and cute, mute surf boys.... oh wait... did I say that out loud?" -- Christine Daffodil (see pic, right), competition surfer ranked 7th in the SLSA season standings.

"I would like the SLSA to make a league of top surfers, maybe in some way permanently open to top surfers competing in an open division. I would like to see clear and complete SLSA rulebook with more responsibility and rights given to the directors. I would like to see a teams ranking and surfing teams formally sanctioned. That would add another level of excitement to SLSA competitions. I would love to see directors having time to think about the future. I definitely want to see SLSA surfers united and ready for compromise in main SLSA matters." -- Abel Halderman (see pic, left), competition surfer ranked 4th in the SLSA season standings and winner of April's SLSA Surfline Shortboard Pro.

"I expect from the new directors that they stay in their job up to the end. I would like all surfers to show them their support. Surfing has to be fun and not fighting against each other." -- Desirae Beaumont (see pic, right), competition surfer ranked 5th in the SLSA season standings and second place in the SLSA Surfline Shortboard Pro.

SurfWatch: Election voices (14 May 08)
SurfWatch: SLSA Election Up-date (13 May 08)
SurfWatch: SLSA Elections (Part I) - What's going on? (10 May 08)
SurfWatch: New SLSA directors announced (2 Mar 08)

URL: SLSA Rulebook
URL: SLSA Season Standings
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Election voices

What do surfers really want from the SLSA? With a big election just around the corner for the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA), SurfWatch's Tauri Tigerpaw contacted some of the top surfers in Second Life to ask them what they expected from the SLSA and its new board of directors.

"I know that the SLSA is trying it's best and it can't be easy with the rash of directors rotating in and out. But hopefully the SLSA can get that settled. What I really want from the SLSA is for it to regain its footing and work on strengthening the association and its competitions. A lot of good work was already being done on this until all chaos... or Havok if you will, broke loose. So I'd like to see them get back to that, and then look at ways to bring in new surfers and expand what is offered now. Going into this coming election as a nominee my goal for the organization has pretty much been to get re-organized. Once thing are going strong again we can look to the future." -- Ashleigh Dickins (see pic, left), competition surfer ranked 10th in the SLSA season standings and one of the three nominees in the coming election.

"All that I would want from the SLSA is for some stability and a sense of cohesion from the board of directors, right now there seems to be a bit of a disconnect. Hopefully the new directors can help fix that disconnect. I also want cake, lots and lots of cake... and elephant thongs for all... they help you surf better! Really they do, lowers the wind resistance!" -- Craig Stallion (see pic, right), competition surfer ranked 18th in the SLSA season standings and 3rd at last month's SLSA Surfline Shortboard Pro.

"I would like to have a committed and reliable SLSA directors board that focuses on the operation as it is, working on having competitions with less problems and reliable and impartial judging. After this maybe work on changes and new ideas, but only once we have the basics. I have lots of faith in the SLSA and wish the association the best." -- Cipriano Grut (see pic, left), competition surfer ranked 16th in the SLSA season standings.

"Well... I hope they're gonna change contest day! It's sick to stay at home Saturday nights for surfin' on Second Life. That's why I was not at the last competition - wanted to get drunk in real life!"
-- Vic Bonetto, competition surfer ranked 15th in the SLSA season standings.

SurfWatch: SLSA Election Up-date (13 May 08)
SurfWatch: SLSA Elections (Part I) - What's going on? (10 May 08)
SurfWatch: New SLSA directors announced (2 Mar 08)

URL: SLSA Rulebook
URL: SLSA Season Standings
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SLSA Election Up-date

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) announced more details of its upcoming elections via SLSA group notice in Second Life Tuesday. The SLSA now clarifies that there are two issues that require members votes on Saturday. Firstly a vote, for constitutional reasons, to permit the election process to elect new directors to the SLSA board and secondly voting for candidates to fill the three vacant seats on the board of directors.

The SLSA election was scheduled for 1 June 2008, but this would have forced the SLSA to continue its business throughout May and organise the surfing competition at Neart with just two directors instead of five. Ordinarily gaps on the board might be filled by appointing interim directors. However, there are not enough directors currently serving to form a quorum in order to vote in interim directors and so the solution is to hold a special election on Saturday 17 May 2008.

Three candidates have been nominated for seats on the SLSA board of directors: Sally LaSalle, Ashleigh Dickins and Colleen Brennan. Since the quarterly SLSA election was originally scheduled for 1 June 2008, to vote for directors to serve betwen June 1st and December 1st, directors elected on Saturday will have to serve the additional two weeks in May too.

According to the SLSA's rulebook, voting for directors is restricted to competition surfers from the last three month's SLSA competitions and so only surfers who competed in Monkeh Barrel and Surfline events are eligible to vote in this election (or 46 members by our calculations).

How to vote

1. Voting takes place via notecard in Second Life and eligible voters must give their notecards to all five of the following individuals by midnight Saturday 17 May 2008 Second Life time: Radical Twang, Milo Voss, Poid Mahovlich, Rani Decosta and Carenahh Kuu.

2. This election consists of two separate votes and each vote must be clearly mentioned in the notecard.

3. The first vote is for eligible voters to legitimise the election process itself. To vote, your notecard should state either “yes , I support the election” or “no, I do not support the election”.

4. The second vote is to elect three new SLSA directors to three vacant positions on the SLSA board. To vote on this, your notecard should state the names of the directors that you are voting for. You may vote for any or all of the following nominated candidates: Sally LaSalle, Ashleigh Dickins and Colleen Brennan.

5. For example, if you are voting to approve the election process and to vote for all three candidates, then your note card might read as follows:

Barchan Paderborn's vote:

1. Yes , I support the election

2. I am voting for: Sally LaSalle, Ashleigh Dickins, Colleen Brennan

Update 18 May 08
The deadline for voting in this special SLSA election was extended on Thursday 15 May afternoon via an SLSA Forum message by the current directors from Saturday 17 May 2008 midnight to Monday 19 May 2008 11.59 SLT.

SurfWatch: SLSA Elections (Part I) - What's going on? (10 May 08)
SurfWatch: New SLSA directors announced (2 Mar 08)
URL: Further questions on this election in the S
LSA Forum (10 May 08)
URL: SLSA Rulebook
URL: SLSA Season Standings
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SLSA Elections (Part I) - What's going on?

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) announced 'emergency elections' late yesterday/early today, to take place on Saturday 17 May 2008. In a statement via in-world group notice and posted in the SLSA Forum the SLSA stated that "Due to the vacancies of Ritch Goalpost, Sierra Sugar and Carenahh Kuu we will be having a special election to fill those three positions". For those members that are scratching their heads and wondering if they've missed something since the last SLSA elections on March 1st, SurfWatch attempts to fill in some of the gaps.

Missing directors

Some SLSA members may well ask what happened to Ritch Goalpost, Sierra Sugar and Carenahh Kuu, why they are no longer directors and perhaps why the elected directors departures weren't announced by the SLSA directors to the membership. For the record, SurfWatch understands that Ritch disappeared from Second Life shortly after being elected for reasons unknown and so his position has remained empty since early March. Sierra resigned a few weeks ago and Carenahh resigned her position on Wednesday.

This may leave Milo Voss and Radical Twang as the only two current SLSA directors, although SurfWatch hears that Colleen Brennan (currently ranked third in the 2008 SLSA season standings) and Ashleigh Dickins (ranked 10th) may have been appointed interim directors by Milo and Radical until elections can be held for new directors.

New director candidates standing for election

Although the 'special election' has been announced for 17 May, according to the SLSA Rulebook individuals standing for election must "apply in writing to all members of the standing board of directors (via notecard, IM’s are not admissible) not more than 21 days and not less than 14 days prior to an election." Mathematicians will note that members have only been given 7 days notice for the upcoming elections. The directors have yet to clarify on what basis they are overriding this rule.

Individuals interested in standing for election are asked to "submit a note card stating that fact to Radical Twang, Milo Voss, Poid Mahovlich, Rani Decosta and Sally LaSalle". Some may ask why nominations should be sent to non-elected representatives and what role do Poid, Rani and Sally play in the elections? SurfWatch has the greatest respect for all three, but, really, what's the deal here? Does the SLSA have to be so mysterious?

Elections and voter eligibility

Assuming that there are candidates to volunteer for the three SLSA director positions, even if they were all to apply today (which seems unlikely if all things are fair and equal), then they have six days to make their views known on the association and advise members on the reasons why they should be voted in.

Voting for directors is restricted to competition surfers from the last three months competitions. Although many have found fault with this, the rule exists for good reasons (see Craig Stallion's recent explanation in the SLSA Forum) and so this, by our calculations, means that a maximum of 46 out of the 306 SLSA group membership will be elegible to vote next Saturday (or roughly 15%). How many of those 46 will log in prior to the election for enough time to find out about the election itself, find out who's standing, decide on who to vote for and place a vote? This also remains to be seen.

In case of lack of eligible candidates
SurfWatch certainly hopes that there are enough SLSA members who wish to be nominated for election, since according to the SLSA Rulebook "In the event that there are no candidates eligible or willing to run for election for a Director’s seat(s), SLSA will dissolve as an association".

A critical election for the SLSA
just two elected SLSA directors out of an SLSA board of directors that should consist of five director positions remaining on board, a great deal now rests on the shoulders of Milo Voss and Radical Twang. Whilst many surfers may not think a great deal about the role that the SLSA plays, they would all surely miss it if the association wasn't there. The proper organisation and running of the upcoming election is going to be critical to the SLSA's continued viability as an association and so is also important to all those that wish to see surfing continue to grow and develop in Second Life.

Meanwhile, the next SLSA surfing competition of the season is due to take part at Neart on 24 May 2008 (in just two weeks time).

Coming next: SLSA Elections (Part II) - Why should you care?

SurfWatch: New SLSA directors announced (2 Mar 08)
URL: Further questions on this election in the S
LSA Forum (10 May 08)
URL: SLSA Rulebook
URL: SLSA Season Standings
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Two new surf spots at Bishara

Pipeline waves break over rock formations on the new Wimbi Island

Two new surfing sims appeared on Wednesday next to Majini and Mandhari Islands in the Bishara Resorts group of sims. The two new sims, called Wimbi Island (wimbi meaning wave in Swahili) and Pepo Island (meaning windy island) have been created to support Bishara Resort's strategy to become a major centre for surfing, sailing and diving in Second Life.

Majini Island, home to the Vibrations Surf Alliance (VSA), is already very popular with the surfing crowd and has a big Epic wave with a long 250 yard run into the beach. The new Wimbi Island features a small tropical island and sets of pipeline and ocean foam waves (or fluffies). Pepo Island is mostly water, with a nearly 260 yard pipleline break running on to a a couple of small sand islands at the north end of the sim bordering Mandhari Island. Pepo also holds a few suprises for those surfing at night, with phosphorescent waves and some unidentified glowing objects floating above the waves!

Phosphorescent waves breaking on Pepo Island
behind: Majini Island on the left and Mandhari Island on the right)

Pepo is the first surf sim to provide the full night time surfing experience, created by Poid Mahovlich (See SurfWatch 14 March 2008). Meanwhile, the arrival of the new surfing sims at Bishara Resort seems to be the tip of the iceberg insofar as the development of the region goes. Bishara's grand plan currently includes a total of 10 new sims throughout the island group.

SurfWatch: Interview - VW Sands
SurfWatch: Interview - Robin Coche
SurfWatch Surf Report: Majini Island
SLURL: Majini Island
SLURL: Wimbi Island
SLURL: Pepo Island
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Heather Goodliffe announces board update program

In response to popular demand, Heather Goodliffe has announced a surfboard script update program to update surfboards purchased pre-Havok4. Abel Halderman of Team Tsunami has taken on the update project and has been set-up by Heather to service 'no copy' transferable surfboards and update their scripts in return for a small fee.

"We decided to start this program due to the number of people and partners asking about Havok4 issues (and seeing how slow Linden Lab has been with the fix)," said Heather Goodliffe. "I imagine that this will probably involve at least a few hundred boards. Abel's probably already updated quite a few and, independently, I've handled a number of copy and copy/mod boards already."

Surfboards and surfable waves all started behaving differently following the
roll-out of new Havok4 server code across Second Life by Linden Lab in early April. Surfboard behaviours changed overnight in the number of ways including floating a few inches under the water instead of on top of it and and changes to maneuverability and wave interaction. The easiest way to tell if you have a pre-Havok4 surfboard is by looking at how is sits on the water. If your board floats under the water, then it has a pre-Havok4 script.

Meanwhile, those who have bought post-Havok4 boards that are missing the tube cam option, own a 'copy' 'no transfer' board or who own a custom
'no transfer' board should contact Heather directly, in which case a slightly higher fee is involved. This offer applies only to surfboards with Heather Goodliffe scripts.

"I'm keen to help minimalise the number of unhappy surfers," said Abel who is now ranked fourth in the SLSA standings. "It's a lot of work, but its what surfers need right now and the new update incudes script 5.1 with a camera option in menu. Otherwise, surfers will get back exactly the same make and model board as they currently own, just with an updated script."


If your board floats under the water, then it has a pre-Havok4 script and will behave slightly differently than in the past. However, bear in mind that the way your board performs is related to a number of factors: the board script, the type of wave and the wave script, the way the wave has been installed by the sim owner, the sim environment that you are surfing in, plus fixes and updates installed by Linden Lab from time to time. There is no doubt that pre-Havok4 boards are performing much better now than directly after the first round of Havok4 updates in April (and many waves have also been adjusted since the updates to perform better). However, all pre-Havok4 boards still float under the water and if you want that fixed then this is how to go about it.

Please note that this update program is a one-way upgrade of your board, so only participate in the update program if you are sure that you want your board script changed permanently. Surfboards cannot be down-graded from the new Havok4 board scripts to the older scripts once upgraded.

If you own a 'no copy' transferable board that was created with a Heather Goodliffe script, give your board to Abel Halderman together with a notecard stating your name, the name and brand of your board, plus L$100 towards modifying your board. Abel will check your board out and confirm whether it is possible to update the script.

If you own a 'copy' board or a 'modify/copy' board that was created with a Heather Goodliffe script, you should contact Heather directly with a notecard stating your name, the name and brand of your board, plus L$250 towards modifying your board. She'll contact you regarding the upgrade.

If you own a custom board that was created with a Heather Goodliffe script, you should also contact Heather directly. If you are not sure if your surfboard is custom made board or not, ask the surfboard designer or vendor to verify this for you. Then give Heather a notecard stating your name, the name and brand of your board, plus L$500. She'll contact you regarding the upgrade.

If you own a post-Havok4 board, but it is missing the 'tube cam' option in the dialogue, you should contact Heather directly.

SurfWatch: INTERVIEW - Sidewinder Linden (21 Apr 08)
SurfWatch: No fix date for Havok4 surfing (18 Apr 08)
SurfWatch: Post-Havok4 Surf Report (10 Apr 08)
SurfWatch: Code change may affect surfing for weeks (2 Apr 08)
SurfWatch: Linden Labs Code Change Threatens Second Life Surfing (2 Apr 08)
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Cipriano wins Secondreef cup

Wave-riding during the Secondreef contest at Majini Island yesterday

Cipriano Grut walked away with the winner's cup at Saturday's Secondreef waveriding competition at Majini Island, an event twinned with the 'Canarian Waveriders '08' windsurfing competition that took place at Pozo Izquierdo in Gran Canaria on the same day.

"We had great fun," said winner Cipriano Grut. "And I did not expect to win, so it was all the more great! Windsurfing rocks!"

Cipriano Grut on the winner's podium

The competition for places on the podium was closely fought with Cipriano Grut winning the contest by a fraction. Cipriano beat Paeida Allen into second place by just 0.1 point. Socks Clawtooth took third place making the winner's podium at Majini beach for the second time in three weeks (Socks took second place at April's VSA Surf Jam surfing competition). Meanwhile, Malcolm Sydney trailed Socks Clawtooth's score by just 0.03 points.


Cipriano Grut (15.983 points)

Paeida Allen (15.8833 points)

Socks Clawtooth (15.56 points)

Malcolm Sydney (15.53 points)

Abel Halderman (13.483 points)

2ndReffTres (12.73 points)

Photo credits: Poid Mahovlich

SurfWatch: SURF REPORT -- Majini Island
URL: Virtual Windsurf Contest
SLURL: Majini Island
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Majini all set for Saturday's Secondreef

Secondreef Windsurfing Competition to take place at Majini Island in Second Life and at Pozo Izquierdo in the Canary Islands at the same time

Final preparations are being made at Majini Island for the Secondreef Windsurfing Competition, which takes place on Majini Island at 10.00 hrs SLT (17.00 hrs GMT) on Saturday 3 May 2008. SurfWatch hears that Heather Goodliffe herself has tuned up Majini's Epic wave and the flags are out for the big competition day.

"We are proud and excited to be hosting this event which will be streamed live from Majini Island to screens in Pozo Izquierdo where the real life event takes place in the Canary Islands," said Poid Mahovlich, the event organiser. "We also hope to convince some of the world class windsurfers competing in Gran Canaria to take part in the windsurfing event at Majini."

The second competition of its kind in Second Life, Secondreef will be held on the same day as the annual Secondreef windsurfing competition in event in Gran Canaria. Windsurfers from all over the world will congregate at Pozo Izquierdo on Saturday to waveride the beach's famous pipeline set. Meanwhile, Second Life windsurfers will compete using Sebastian Saramago’s boards with Heather Goodliffe scripts to ride Majini's Epic wave.

Judges Craig Stallion, Keala Mimistrobell, Sally LaSalle and VW Sands will be awarding points for jumps and wave riding tricks in what promises to be an exciting event. Men and women will compete together at Majini, in 5 person qualifying heats leading into semi-finals and finals.

Photo credits: Secondreef (left); Alessandro Dieffenbach (right)

Several top ranked SLSA surfers have already signed up to compete at Majini on Saturday. "This competition is a wave riding competition. Wave usage, flow and style all count for the good rider, but windsurfing has an excitement all it's own in that the tricks and overall dynamics are different," said VW Sands, Bishara Resorts manager and competition judge. "We're all looking forward to a fast paced free-style event with the biggest, fastest wave that Second Life has to offer!"

More information and details are available on the competition

SurfWatch: SURF REPORT -- Majini Island
URL: Virtual Windsurf Contest
Bishara Beach (spectator area for the VSA Surf Jam)
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