31 May 2008 -- SurfWatch is reporting live from the Majini Island on the VSA Surf Jam 4 -- Starting Saturday 31May 2008 from 1200 hrs Second Life Time (SLT or PDT) or 1900 hrs GMT.EVENT CANCELLED (1.45pm SLT)This is the fourth VSA Surf Jam of the year, which takes place today on Majini beach's Epic wave break. 17 surfers are expected to take part in the competition. SurfWatch will post the competition...
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INTERVIEW - Heather Goodliffe

INTERVIEW - Heather Goodliffe

By Tauri Tigerpaw. Exclusive to SurfWatch.It's no exaggeration to say that without the legendary Second Life surfing wave and board developer known variously as The Big Kahuna, the mother of Second Life surfing and sometimes just as Heather Goodliffe, Second Life surfing simply wouldn't exist in its...
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Surf's up at Kahuna Beach!

Surf's up at Kahuna Beach!

By Ashleigh DickensFavourite surfing spot for Second Life surfers Kahuna Beach reopened this month at Hedonism Estates after several months off the grid. Many surfers will remember Hedonism's twin surf beaches from last fall and early winter: two surf breaks, one with a sim-wide Epic wave, the other...
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QUENCH wins big day at Neart

QUENCH wins big day at Neart

Neart's competition wave breakIt was a big day for QUENCH Spotter at the Reaction Longboard Epic on Saturday as he upset the rankings by coming through from the bottom of the SLSA table to win a semi-finals tie-break heat at Neart and then continued on to win his first ever SLSA surfing competition."I...
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LIVE RESULTS -- Reaction Longboard Epic

SurfWatch is reporting live from the West of Ireland Bundoran and Neart sims on the SLSA Reaction Longboard Epic surfing competition -- Starting Saturday 24 May 2008 from 1100 hrs Second Life Time (SLT or PDT) or 1800 hrs GMT.SEE LIVE RESULTS NOWThis is the fourth competition in the SLSA calendar, one of only two surfing competitions left in the season and the SLSA seasons first competition with Epic...
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SLSA draws Neart heats

SLSA draws Neart heats

Surfing heats drawn for 35 competitors; SLSA judges to trial new 'wave count rule' for first time at NeartNeart bay, home to West of Ireland's Epic wave breakThe Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) has drawn the heat line-ups for what is now called the Reaction Longboard Epic surfing competition...
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Estates join forces to create massive watersports development

Estates join forces to create massive watersports development

Broadwater Antilles well positioned to become the largest group of surfing sims, the largest group of ocean sims for the Neo-Realms Fishing System and the largest group of ocean sims for sailing outside the Second Life mainland.Pipeline surf break on Saba IslandThree Second Life entrepreneurs have announced...
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The lady in red

The lady in red

By Socks Clawtooth,Senior Furry Correspondent.I was over at Neart practicing for the upcoming SLSA event (who am I kidding, I was just messing around in an Epic I'd never been on). If you've never been there, I really recommend going. If for nothing else go for the free Guinness.As a furry surfer, one...
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Surfing calendar - May-June 2008

SLSA Neart Longboard Pro CompetitionSaturday 24 May 2008, 1100 hrs SLT (1800 hrs GMT)After the Second Life Surfing Association's Monkeh Barrel competition changed to pipeline waves at the last minute, Neart, in the West of Ireland group of sims, is now expected to be the association's first Epic longboard event of 2008. The Neart Longboard Pro was postponed from Saturday 26 April to Saturday 24 May...
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SLSA Elections (Part II) - Why should you care?

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) is the body that organises Second Life's calendar of independent surfing competitions, tallies the results and calculates the season's standings. It was established for, and only recognises the votes of, competition surfers. However, as the only open, non-commercial surfing association with a established constitution, the association has a number of other...
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Election voices continued (2)

Election voices continued (2)

By Tauri TigerpawWhat do surfers really want from the SLSA? (continued)"The SLSA has been the governing body for competition surfing in Second Life since it´s conception. Certainly, not the only organisation to conduct surf contests, but is the 'official' group running contests. Considering the explosion...
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Election voices

Election voices

What do surfers really want from the SLSA? With a big election just around the corner for the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA), SurfWatch's Tauri Tigerpaw contacted some of the top surfers in Second Life to ask them what they expected from the SLSA and its new board of directors."I know that the...
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SLSA Election Up-date

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) announced more details of its upcoming elections via SLSA group notice in Second Life Tuesday. The SLSA now clarifies that there are two issues that require members votes on Saturday. Firstly a vote, for constitutional reasons, to permit the election process to elect new directors to the SLSA board and secondly voting for candidates to fill the three vacant...
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SLSA Elections (Part I) - What's going on?

SLSA Elections (Part I) - What's going on?

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) announced 'emergency elections' late yesterday/early today, to take place on Saturday 17 May 2008. In a statement via in-world group notice and posted in the SLSA Forum the SLSA stated that "Due to the vacancies of Ritch Goalpost, Sierra Sugar and Carenahh...
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Two new surf spots at Bishara

Two new surf spots at Bishara

Pipeline waves break over rock formations on the new Wimbi IslandTwo new surfing sims appeared on Wednesday next to Majini and Mandhari Islands in the Bishara Resorts group of sims. The two new sims, called Wimbi Island (wimbi meaning wave in Swahili) and Pepo Island (meaning windy island) have been...
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Heather Goodliffe announces board update program

In response to popular demand, Heather Goodliffe has announced a surfboard script update program to update surfboards purchased pre-Havok4. Abel Halderman of Team Tsunami has taken on the update project and has been set-up by Heather to service 'no copy' transferable surfboards and update their scripts in return for a small fee."We decided to start this program due to the number of people and partners...
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Cipriano wins Secondreef cup

Cipriano wins Secondreef cup

Wave-riding during the Secondreef contest at Majini Island yesterdayCipriano Grut walked away with the winner's cup at Saturday's Secondreef waveriding competition at Majini Island, an event twinned with the 'Canarian Waveriders '08' windsurfing competition that took place at Pozo Izquierdo in Gran...
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Majini all set for Saturday's Secondreef

Majini all set for Saturday's Secondreef

Secondreef Windsurfing Competition to take place at Majini Island in Second Life and at Pozo Izquierdo in the Canary Islands at the same time Final preparations are being made at Majini Island for the Secondreef Windsurfing Competition, which takes place on Majini Island at 10.00 hrs SLT (17.00 hrs...
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