Pova remains on top!

Pova Rustamova's retains his number one ranking in the season's standings despite his untimely exit from the SLSA Surfline Shortboard Pro last Saturday, but Devinna Toll is close on his heels, just 45 points behind. Colleen Brennan keeps her number three placing. The big change in the SLSA rankings is Abel Halderman's rise from 15th to fourth place as a result of his win at Surfline! And he is...
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Surf naked

Surf naked

By Socks Clawtooth, Senior Furry Correspondent.I'm a furry, the picture (right) should pretty much remove all doubt of this fact. A lot of my fur friends want to try surfing, but there's a snag. A lot of us don't wear clothing normally. I mean we're not being vulgar, but can you imagine your...
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Abel Halderman wins unforgettable Shortboard Pro!

Abel Halderman wins unforgettable Shortboard Pro!

Sim crashes, browser crashes and score upsets knock out top surfersWinner Abel Halderman at the SLSA Surfline Shortboard Pro (photo: Dharma Austin)A number of striking upsets saw top-ranked Pova Rustamova fail to make the podium and 15th ranked Abel Halderman make the most of difficult conditions and...
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LIVE RESULTS -- Surfline Shortboard Pro

SurfWatch is reporting live from the Surfline Aloha and Epic sims on Surfline's first SLSA surfing competition, the Surfline Shortboard Pro -- Starting Saturday 26 April 2008 from 1100 hrs Second Life Time (SLT or PDT) or 1800 hrs GMT.SEE LIVE RESULTS NOW This is the third competition in the SLSA surfing season and the event promises to be a unique test of surfing skills with Pipeline 2.0 waves being...
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And now completely new heat line-ups!

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) announced completely new heat draws for the Surfline Shortboard Pro surfing competition late Friday. The surfers remain the same, the number of surfers remains the same, the venue remains the same, but most of the heat line-ups are changed. So, here they are:HEAT 1 Pova Rustamova (RED)Ashleigh Dickins (BLUE)Cipriano Grut (GREEN)Paeida Allen (ORANGE)Crusader...
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Surfline heats draw announced

Surfline heats draw announced

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) announced heat line-ups for the Surfline Shortboard Pro surfing competition for the second time this year on Thursday. The twice postponed event is now scheduled to take place at the Surfline Aloha and Epic sims on Saturday.32 surfers are now expected to compete...
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New surfboard ruling for Surfline

New surfboard ruling for Surfline

Following discussions with competitors and other SLSA members, the SLSA (Second Life Surfing Association) has changed its policy on permissable surfboard scripts for Saturday's Surfline Shortboard Pro. It was announced late Wednesday (SLT) that the competition will now permit surfers to use "any Heather-scripted...
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Surfline reopening celebration, Thursday

Surfline reopening celebration, Thursday

Surfline's Kalani Koga and Gweneth Lange on the brand new Surfline AlohaSurfline Epic and Aloha sims are up and running and ready for SLSA Shortboard Pro competitors to hit the waves on Saturday, following extensive remodelling of the two sims. Surfline's official reopening celebration takes place tomorrow...
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New boards for Shortboard Pro

Registrations slow to pick up for the weekend's competitionSpeculation over the surfboard scripts to be allowed at Saturday's competition came to an end today as Heather Goodliffe announced retail availability for new Havok4 scripts. According to Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) sources, Heather will issue all competitors with a new-script competition surfboard for the Surfline Shortboard Pro...
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INTERVIEW - Sidewinder Linden

INTERVIEW - Sidewinder Linden

By Tauri Tigerpaw.Exclusive to SurfWatch.SurfWatch managed to track down one of the busiest men in Second Life this year: Sidewinder Linden, the program manager for the Havok 4 project. Since Second Life surfing has been so drastically affected by the latest Havok server code, we wanted to ask the man...
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Buffy grabs second Surf Jam win

Buffy grabs second Surf Jam win

Surfing competitors have got to be wondering "is there no stopping Buffy Munro?" after her second consecutive Surf Jam win at Majini Island on Saturday (she also won March's event). This was the third Vibrations Surf Alliance competition event of the year and the first surfing competition held in Havok4...
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First post-Havok4 Surf Jam is ready to roll!

First post-Havok4 Surf Jam is ready to roll!

15 surfers to take part in the third VSA Surf Jam of 2008Preparations on Majini Island are well underway for today's VSA (Vibrations Surf Alliance) Surf Jam, which takes place at 1100hrs SLT (1800 hrs GMT) today (Saturday 19 April 2008). The third Surf Jam of 2008, this will be the first surfing competition...
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No fix date for Havok4 surfing

Surfing community struggles with Havok4; Linden Lab considers optionsNo topic is hotter in the surf community these days than Havok4, the server code that affected waves and wave/board interactions rolled out by Linden Lab at the beginning of April. However, surfers that were expecting a quick fix may be disappointed. It's a complex issue and no strategy has yet been decided on by the Havok4 roll-out...
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Rezzable changes Surfline venue

Rezzable changes Surfline venue

Rezzable, owner-developer of the Surfline sims, announced late Wednesday that the upcoming SLSA Surfline Shortboard Pro surfing competition due to be held on Saturday 26 April 2008 will now not be held on Rezzable Discover as expected, but on a newly revamped Surfline Epic and Aloha sims. The Surfline...
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