SurfWatch Hawt!

SurfWatch wants to honor those hot dudes that fill our Second Life (SL) beaches with tan skin, hard abs, and melting smiles.  If you've seen a dude you think is hawwwwwwt, submit his photo to Tauri Tigerpaw, full perms, by April 16, 2010.  Please title it "Hawt - Name" with entrant's name.  We'll post all our hawt dudes and let the readers pick their favorite! 

All entries receive a SWack custom SurfWatch backpack, and the Surf Watch.  The reader's choice winner will receive a SurfWatch in-world edition photo shoot, custom beachwear designed by SurfWatch Merchandizer, Connie Decosta of Island Sea Dreams, and the 1949 Panhead Motorcycle - Bobber by Yendor Destiny of Dreamworks!  This custom bobber with old-school style is fully detailed and full of options with 12 different full color and texture changing options.  This bike can have over 1700 different color and texture combos!  From tire smoking burnouts to standing wheelies, this will be the only SL motorcycle you will ever want!

Enter your hawtie or your hawt self today!  SurfWatch hawwwwwt...

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