Last Days Of Summer – Surfer’s Bay VIP Photo Contest

submitted by Duncan Blackburn to Surfer's Bay VIP Group

Last Days Of Summer – Surfer’s Bay VIP Photo Contest


1st - L$10,000 (plus a special ‘SB Photographer’ group tag and the chance to have your winning entry shown for a month at the Surfer’s Bay VIP sim.)

2nd - L$6,000

3rd - L$3,000

Summer might be fading real life in the northern hemisphere but celebrate the last of those rays with our fantastic new photo competition at Surfer’s Bay VIP!

Show us your shots taken at Surfer’s Bay VIP or our NEW Surfer’s Eden sim and add your photos to the SURFER'S BAY VIP FLICKR GROUP and you could be one of three winners.

Flickr group:

This is our biggest photo contest so far with prizes of:

1st - L$10,000 (plus a special ‘SB Photographer’ group tag and the chance to have your winning entry shown for a month at the Surfer’s Bay VIP sim.)

2nd - L$6,000

3rd - L$3,000

This contest will be running from Thursday 30 August to Sunday 16 September 2018 with all entries judged by Duncan Blackburn – owner of Surfer’s Bay VIP Estates.

Interested? Read our simple rules and then get out there with your camera – have fun!


Here’s how to enter:

*You can take as many photos as you wish, but all must be taken on the Surfer’s Bay VIP or NEW Surfer’s Eden sims. But the rest is up to you – get creative and have some fun!

*You must be a member of the SL Surfer’s Bay VIP group to enter. If you are not already a member, then come and join us – we have over 5,200 members in our fun and friendly group.

*There is a charge to join the group of L$500. You can join the group at our landing zone here:

*Our members can rezz photo props or poses anywhere on sim
*Photos can be of your avatar, other avatars or of landscapes on the sim.
*Please seek permission of other avatars before taking and entering photos of them
*Photos of adult human avatars only please!
*Nudity and sexual themes are allowed
*Post processing such as Photoshop is allowed – but not required
*Upload your entries to the Surfer’s Bay VIP Flickr group here:

*Please label each photo that you enter with: ‘SB VIP Summer Entry’ so we know that you are entering the contest! If you do not add that label in your description, we will not count it as an entry, so please don’t miss out.

*Good luck – and have loads of fun!
*Any questions? IM Duncan Blackburn or Persia Bravin – we are happy to help you.


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