Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

SurfWatch, like the rolling waves of the surf, is rolling with the times. We are so proud to announce our SurfWatch In World edition, spearheaded by the In World edition editor, Ashleigh Dickins, that will be hitting newstands shortly. This has been a labor of love in the works since late last year, and Ashleigh has put together a truly remarkable product. We hope to issue an In-World edition on...
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Yesterday's SLSA season end awards ceremony took a shocking turn of events when, following the SLSA's announcement of the coveted Thor Bishop award to Socks Clawtooth, Ashleigh Dickins shouted to the crowd, " I AM SORRY EVERYONE BUT I AM LEAVING. I LOVE YOU SOCKS. BUT IT WAS WRONG OF THEM TO ANNOUNCE THIS NOW. SIERRA HAD NO IDEA ABOUT THE VOTING OR THE WINNER AND WAS NOT EVEN ASKED TO BE HERE TO GIVE...
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Editorial Comments

by Special Correspondent Rhett McMahnMuch like life, our SecondLife surfing community is in turmoil. I don't speak of turmoil in a negative sense, as it is really not. Turmoil is just part of our day to day world. Turmoil as in the gut wrenching feeling associated with what we know to be true and factual changing. The ending of a relationship; the loss of a loved one; the stresses associated with...
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SLSA Director Reflects on Recent Disciplinary Actions

By Rhett McMahn, Business Columnist and Special CorrespondentThe last couple of weeks have been a trying time for the SL Surfers Association (SLSA). Their Directors were forced to instruct their Head Event Judge to form a disciplinary board against two of its more prominent members. SurfWatch caught up with SLSA Director (one of five) Abel Halderman by e-mail and asked him for his opinions on the...
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THE LATEST BUZZ KAYAK DERBY RESULTS Second Life's first Kayak Derby and Fishing Tournament was held Saturday morning under clear virtual skies in the beautiful Tidewater Canyon River at Wilder Keys. A great time was had by all, with Lacy Rossini winning the top prize of $1000L with a final time...
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Letter from the Editor

SurfWatch reports what's going on in the surf community. If readers choose to comment on a story, we ask that they stay within the parameters of identifying themselves and no profanity. SurfWatch has asked commentors to voluntarily modify their statements where there has been blatant and direct name calling without compromising their point, and so far most have done so. We remind those making comments...
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SurfWatch recently caught up with Colleen Brennan, SLSA Advisor and lead organizer of the SL Surfing World Cup competition, to get all the latest information on this multi-league event. The SLSA (Second Life Surfing Association) and ABSSL (Associacao Brasileira de Surf no SL) are reportedly making significant progress in negotiating the details of this Surfing World Cup competition first announced...
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Fine, white sand...warm sun..salty waves rolling onto a powdery beach. While Mori Pwani and Tuli have not been with us long, they have filled a void in SL surf sims left when Bishara closed down.Mori runs a 4 panel epic for about 200 meters. According to VW Sands, estate manager of Mori/Tuli, "the shoreline...
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Scores courtesy Abel HaldermanFollowing the SLSA Disciplinary Action and recalculation of competition results, below are the final scores of the final competition of the SLSA 2009 Round 2 Season 1 held at Topanga and released by the SLSA:FINALS:Wilfrid DeCuir: 17.133Desirae Beaumont: 17.000Abel Halderman: 16.000Cipriano Grut: 14.667SEMI FINALS (includes prelims and semi scores added together):Monq...
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Going Wet...

Going Wet...

SurfWatch is proud to introduce our newest member to the staff as Business Columnist and Special Reporter, Rhett "Maddawg" McMahn. This is an exerpt from the longer posting on the SLSA Forum, surfSLSA.com.Our next door neighbors were a retired couple named Walter and Teresa Bent. He was a retired Aerospace...
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Aries Ashton and Sebastian Saramago: Are they the same person?

Aries Ashton and Sebastian Saramago: Are they the same person?

by Ashleigh Dickins, reporting editorIt was recently brought up to SurfWatch that surf legends Aries Ashton and Sebastian Saramago may infact have the same person controlling the keyboard! They do both have alliteration in their names, and their prowess on the beaches can't be denied. SurfWatch dug...
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SexyBoy Oh speaks out illegally in SLSA Public Forum

by Rhett McMahn, Business Columnist and Special ReporterSexyboy Oh is making news again less then twenty-four hours after a decision was handed down disqualifying him from the SLSA's Topanga 2009 Season 1 season ending competition. Oh, who recently won said competition on points, was made aware of the SLSA's Disciplinary Board's findings yesterday afternoon.In a 10:05PM (SLSA Forum Time) post entitled...
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The SLSA has posted its findings related to two cases of possible SLSA code violations stemming from the Topanga Canyon Longboard competition. The Committee decided:It was decided that Kimmy Jigsaw engaged in unsportsmanlike conduct, violating the SLSA Code of Conduct, in making statements that were unsportsmanlike to their intended target and marring and disrupting the event. They have disqualified...
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Neck and neck - er - feeler to feeler, these giant snails are giving their all for the American Cancer Society in a Relay for Life Giant Snail Race. Socks Clawtooth, event organizer, takes a 5 inch lead after 3 hours, pulling away from the pack comprised of WickedV Carver, Colleen Brennan, Bobbi Laval,...
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Surf Love and SurfWatch Announce Winners of 2009 Beach Babes Calendar Contest!

Surf Love and SurfWatch Announce Winners of 2009 Beach Babes Calendar Contest!

SurfWatch will be featuring each winner from the Surf Love 2009 Beach Babes Calender Contest. One of the 12 delicious beach babes will be chosen to model in a SurfWatch in-world magazine edition. If you'd like to see more of a Surf Love/SurfWatch beach babe, just let us know by leaving a comment and...
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Disciplinary Hearing on Code Violations

The SLSA has announced a delay in validating final scores and results for SLSA 2009 Season 1 Round 2 at Topanga due to a Disciplinary Hearing related to possible violations of the SLSA Code of Conduct and SL Community Standards (surfslsa.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=611). According to the Code of Conduct, possible members of a Disciplinary Hearing Committee could be: Judges, Event Coordinator,...
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Hot and direct from the SLSA!!!From the SLSA directors:THE SLSA HAS A HANDSHAKE AGREEMENT WITH LEOGARTO BURT TO CO-SANCTION THE FIRST EVER WORLD CUP!!!!Stay tuned for details!...
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SL Relationships and SL SEX

SL Relationships and SL SEX

This column is a continuation of our first column. Oh wait, hey all you math whizzes out there in cyberland who felt compelled to make comments about the SL timeline I put out there! Hey!!! It was just to make a point at how fast your SL relationships will move as compared to your RL relationships!...
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