Surf Love and SurfWatch Announce Winners of 2009 Beach Babes Calendar Contest!

SurfWatch will be featuring each winner from the Surf Love 2009 Beach Babes Calender Contest. One of the 12 delicious beach babes will be chosen to model in a SurfWatch in-world magazine edition. If you'd like to see more of a Surf Love/SurfWatch beach babe, just let us know by leaving a comment and maybe your fave will be chosen! And be on the lookout for more information on the 2010 calendar starting soon!

January - Rhett McMahn

"In constant search of that one God given perfect wave. Lost the ability to do it RL. Thank God for SL (smiles)."

For more information on how to get a calender, if you have a spot for a low prim/low script kiosk that distributes the calenders for free, or on the 2010 calendar, contact Beloved Avril.

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