Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

SurfWatch, like the rolling waves of the surf, is rolling with the times. We are so proud to announce our SurfWatch In World edition, spearheaded by the In World edition editor, Ashleigh Dickins, that will be hitting newstands shortly. This has been a labor of love in the works since late last year, and Ashleigh has put together a truly remarkable product. We hope to issue an In-World edition on a quarterly basis.

We have added two columnists and a researcher to our staff and continue to look for quality reporters and staff interested in what is happening in the SL surf community with the goal of keeping that community strong and growing. Please contact Tauri Tigerpaw if you are interested in contributing.

We are as of now freezing our comments section and will post no comments to past posts until we complete our research and discussion of how best to moderate comments with guidelines that are both fair and impartial and allow debate while maintaining civility. We believe everyone has had sufficient time and space to present their points and vent. There are appropriate venues outside of SurfWatch for investigating legal grievances and it serves no purpose to bog SurfWatch down with those issues, many of which have been simmering for years. We are interested in reporting current SL surfing news.

We are also interested in ideas you may have for current stories. While we make no promises that we will cover every suggested topic - this is, after all, SL and there are too many waves calling!!! - we will discuss those that seem to be of interest to most readers and attempt to cover them, as well as posting all your announcements and events and activities and celebrations.

The sun sets and rises over another sandy beach and with the new day, we look forward to a great day of SL surfing, sharing time with friends, and having fun. Did anyone bring the tequila???

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Kristoffer Juneau said...

Thank You SurfWatch for giving the community a forum to voice their opinions and for making the stand to decide when to draw the line.

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I can support this. The fighting and personal attacks are getting ridiculous. I said this in my response to Kris on SLSA forums too. I'm getting tired of people, friends, coming to me crying, upset, ready to give up everything because of the fighting. I myself am tired of crying. The past 2 weekends have been spent in tears thanks largely to the fighting in the surf community. These are real people with real emotions, and it's wearing on all of us.

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to see GREAT things happening for SURFWATCH! I for one am looking forward to this new on-line edition coming to a screen near me!! WOOT HOO. Rollz with the dancing waves... Ko