
Fine, white sand...warm sun..salty waves rolling onto a powdery beach. While Mori Pwani and Tuli have not been with us long, they have filled a void in SL surf sims left when Bishara closed down.

Mori runs a 4 panel epic for about 200 meters. According to VW Sands, estate manager of Mori/Tuli, "the shoreline was designed to make the wave break at a realistic distance from the shore, and it washes up into the really wide shallows area." Tuli runs "old school" pipes and fluffies at a 20 degree angle to follow the natural peninsula break on the eastern edge.

Mori is home base for the Vibrations Surf Alliance, and home to the SurfJam series, surf classes, live music, contests, and a host of other activities. They also have a thriving rental community with cliffside homes and a "surfers village" of surf shacks.

Mori/Tuli is currently facing the same fate as some of our other favorite surf sims in this challenging financial climate. Mori's owner, Dawnevea Destiny, is currently searching for a buyer for these two beautiful joined surf sims. And she's interested in selling to an individual or group that would be committed to maintaining it as is. According to VW Sands, current rentals are covering 90% of the monthly tiers, and he would be willing to stay on as estate manager if the current situation can be maintained. Dawnevea believes the sims can be profit generating with very little effort.
Both sims are full prim, standard 15,000 prim sims. She is looking for a price of $1400 USD for both, or $750 each, altho she prefers the sims stay as they are, with joined themes. If you are interested in more information, contact Dawnevea Destiny in-world.


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Against Copied Items said...

This is area is so full of drew brophy lost surfboad designs pirated of the web by Sebastian Saramago, it should be closed. You can't just steal peoples artwork and sell it. If you have no talent Don't Steal !
Shame on you.

Lissa Pinion said...

Excuse me but there are several designers on both sims. None of which are Seb's work. Geez, grow up already. If you don't like the sims, you don't have to visit. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Once again another friendly, warm and surfer-beneficial comment from Action that have nothing to do with the post.

There are NO textures on either of these sims that are not public domain. Show me a copyright protected texture used by anyone on these sims and I will have it removed.

Not that it has anything at all to do with the quality expierence found on the sims, just a rebutle to yet another senseless, negative and untrue post.


Against Copied Items said...

These posts from a guy who uses the Volkswagen Logo on his surfboards. So hopefully today as your statement was made "Show me a copyright protected texture used by anyone on these sims and I will have it removed." start with your own boards, I'll give you a list of the rest.

Kristoffer Juneau said...

It was brought to my attention also a large number of surfboards being sold have stolen artwork from Drew Brophy. I visited his website and there is no question. We are working to have these all removed off of our Estate. We are content creators ourselves and take very seriously using and reselling non licensed textures or artwork.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I do NOT sell surfboards, design surfboards or in any way market surfboards with the "VW" loggo or any other texture for that matter. If a friend has made me a board with my initials on it, it is certainly NOT for sale. If I was interested in texturing surfboards I spose I could come up with something cool but I have other interests.

"These posts from a guy who uses the Volkswagen Logo on his surfboards........

Attacking me for selling/designing surfboards only shows your ignorant to the fact that I don´t even have a line of boards. Attacking Seb for "stealing" copyrighted material only shows your ignorance.

Secondly, the responsible, adult thing to do is to contact the object owner, sim owner or concerned party and voice your concerns over "copyright protection" and not to flame a post on a sim for sale. I´ll be more than happy to remove anything on either sim that is shown to be "illegal".

The thing about conflict seekers is that they never stop seeking conflict. You seem to thrive on it.

Waste of bandwidth if ya ask me.


Colleen Brennan said...

Been A big Brophy fan and I have never seen a board in SL that was a copy of anything he makes. Perhaps I should qualify that and say I have never seen one offered for sale. No one can control what a person may do on their own with a mod board.
I welcome an example of what you are talking about. Please send me a LM. Also, if VW has a board with the VW logo and is not selling it why would they care. It is free advertising for them. Plus, what surfer do you know in SL with more farfegnugen than VW?

Against Copied Items said...

Colleen Brennan does not know drew brophy designs. She has seen reaction boards , goodlife boards and been to mori with all these ripp designs. If you knew who he was you would not make stupid comments.
I have a page on my private webserver with all these deisgn ripped and original a few people in the game have seen it. I pulled it do to a av in game asking me to , as it would ruin them. Heres a link to drew brophy's site look at sebs, reactions and others all ripped off from this guy. A real artist. No one that does not reckonize this is fake surfer.
Heres a link to his site take a look and talk a walk around mori. Or I m kris at braat he will show you boards on his sim that are ripps Also rips from other famous surf designers. Please only Real RL surfers reply as I prefer people who know what they are talking about. Not spinners

Sebastian Saramago said...

"Action" has been going around to many surfers making this claim. In the beginning we did, under permission use the brophy designs for a limited run with permissions from drew and his wife. We are still in contact and I support Drew and Maria 100%. I responded to "Action whores" on IM. Here is what was posted.

Sebastian Saramago: If you continue to insist that SSi has used copy righted images and push this with surfers I will take legal action. SSi, and more specifically myself had a deal with Drew Brophy, and his wife, Maria Brophy. I have emails, agreements and terms of this deal. But you dont care about truth. You will again come off as the underhanded, shady and immoral people as you have proven yourself to be when we respond with proof of this information. Stealing our waves and boards was not good enough? Stealing half the stuff in your shop not good enough? you also have to resort to underhanded tactics... you don't get it... people see you for what you are.


This is just another underhanded attempt by this immoral group to gain any leg up they can. I would hope people can see this clearly and give them more reason to protest any use of Action products. I support development of other waves in SL that are not SSi. IF its done with hard work and dedication. Not outright theft. We have put together many key points that just about proves many products in Action stores have been outright copied, downloaded and remade as "action". Perhaps its time all this info was made available to everyone. We have not done so yet because we felt Action would eventually cross so many people they would sink themselves. They have come one step closer to that fate. -Seb

Colleen Brennan said...

Action, I guess you will offer an apology if you find out that what you are accusing people of "stealing" is authorized use?
It seems that thought never even occurred to you? As I read back over your comments all I am seeing is that you ave jumped to a conclusion, enticed others to take the same leap, and you don't even give a second thought to the consequences of making such accusations. The people you are charging have reputations in the community beyond reproach. Should you be proven to be making false charges your own reputation will suffer substantially.

Against Copied Items said...

Ok then post your license in a public forum so we all can see it, I will apologize. I love it when seb answers himself. I think I am the only one who gets fast service form him. I must be his number 1 customer. All day long people tell me they are ignored. Nice to be special.

Aurora Jacks said...

even though I know I will get shredded for saying this, but if I look at Action's Products, and I look at SSI's Products, and stores, I really do not see any resemblance in anything but the shape of a surfboard.I owned a Action Board a long time ago, and it was nothing like an SSI, even today I own both SSI and Action boards and they are TOTALLY not the same. So the stealing thing I personally don't understand. My 2c if its wanted or not. We all have a preferance for which board we like to ride, I personally am enjoying all the extras the Action board has to offer, the SSI Board doesnt offer these things, so please someone explain to me how Action stole these things from SSI, when SSI doesn't even offer the same things. Kthnx. See you on the waves.

Kristoffer Juneau said...

You have to admit its hard to believe that all of these textures out there on every board are licensed to be used. One thing is they are not high quality images and appear to be copied from the web. Any artist I know would want to be giving some kind of credit for the work or some official license or plaque being displayed. It was said in the beginning permission was had for a limited run. The thing is there are many many boards out there that are ripped from RL designs. Its wrong to do. If you have them do the right thing and take them down. Seb maybe you didn't make these textures but you are putting them on your boards and profiting from them, which I am certain is a violation. Possibly you did have rights for some, but surely i don't think all boards out there are legit.

As far as Actions boards being copied I just cant see it. I don't know all the history, but it only takes someone to go Actions sims and see that these people are extremely talented who have something completely unique in sl and not copied. I have been programming software in rl for 15 years and it is very obvious that Actions boards are nowhere near that of SSI's boards. They behave extremely different, and have features not anywhere close to what anyone else offers. I don't care for the bickering back and forth and Seb your just as guilty of what you are accusing them of. Your trying to slam them for stealing, go look at their shop, what are they stealing from you or anyone? Surely its not theft because someone simply decides to make a surfboard in sl, even if it behaves exactly like yours and has the same features.

Seems to get pretty simple, if people are licensed then prove it. If not we will know when the boards disappear. If you have non-legit boards do the right thing and take them down. If you want help working on textures we are always willing to teach people how to do it and where you can get licensed artwork to use. Lets help the surf community by all doing the right thing.

Beloved said...

Ah i have a solution that might work! I am member of SL Art & Artists and I have a SL Art Kiosk in front of my art gallery that gives out a HUD of all the galleries in SL. The owner of the kiosk/group states clearly that if she finds images ripped off from websites and/or google images she will close downt the kiosk immediately and ban u from the group, thus severly damaging your capability of selling art!

Perhaps SSI should or could inspect their 400 plus surfboard designers before the approve them as vendors. Seems to me it would fall on SSI's shoulder to ensure they are not doing business with rip off artists. I don't know anything about Seb or anyone else. I know my Doxx of FAKT Surfboards designs all his own designs. He wouldn't dream of stealing a design. A true artist wouldn't. Unfortunately out of 400 surfboard lines under SSI's umbrella could it be that greed or need to do sales has caused a slip-up in their responsiblity to see to it that what is sold under their umbrella/vendor system is original art? Might be time for an SSI revamp? I don't know the answer. This is just a suggestion that might work. Sometimes it's good for a business to take a step back to move forward. I know I've had to do that with my bikini biz. I love 'Action boards and SSI boards. They both have great qualities. I don't see any resemblance in them at all other than you can surf on them. Action has a HUD.

Beloved said...

well i just did a google search for surfboard graphics and well it's interesting to say the least, especially the brophy site which only reminds me of the poid mahovich boards that come with the ssi package but not the same just eerily similar which surprises me cos she is a RL artist I heard. I dunno. As far as surfboard graphics in general - well damn - a skull is a skull and a mermaid is a mermaid - i guess there can be many interpretations. Lots have fire on them too. It's very difficult to ascertain exactly, at least at a quick glance, what is copywritten or not. Interesting topic though and I think it's a good idea to get it all in the open and discuss and air issues whether it's popular or not. We are all adults. Let's just keep the name calling to a minimum heh? like "whore" and "thief" - not nice! I will say what I have always thought was a good idea since I became familiar with surfing these past few months and that is SSI should sell their scripts for surfboards and let designers do their own thing. That way, SSI is not responsible for ripped off graphics AND the designer is not at SSI's mercy while waiting in line amongst its 400 plus vendors. Yeah sell the script for a high price but let the designers have more control of their destiny and the price of their boards. They are the ones who are the heart and soul of surfing.

Unknown said...

First of all...[it's a proven fact that SSi boards and waves were made from freebie scripts and some modified Torley Linden scripts, yet they were sold with no mod rights for so long and at outrageous prices for freebie scripts. In terms of a coder that would be called script kittying. I'm not against your boards as I own many of them though they are in my eyes the true essence of Kook surfing.

Now to find out that your selling copy righted art on boards...well you're guilty until proven innocent here, so I suppose you should prove it.

Mori and Tuli is not worth the price with curved walls rolling into the beaches so good luck selling them. We all know it's cheaper and just as easy to just buy a wholesale sim from LL, they are practically giving the repos away now. Besides you need to sell the land, not rent it, to make a profit and keep the sim running, that is what you sell with a covenant for, hello!!

Besides surfing in SL is the most expensive sport to run sims on though we do it for the love of surfing, some more than others and it has been a sad yet long history the many sims have gone to fatal demises due to the mismanaged funding provided by certain organizations who continue to run while they don't do anything to help those who give, now is that how you treat people who give so much in a community that many want nothing to do with because of how they have been treated in the past!!

Action and their products are all original designs scripting and full content right down to the animations, they have not been taken from hover boards, submarines (Havok 4 release problem), or anything else for that matter. It doesn't take a genius to see that. If you want it to be proven as I have said many times, I challenge anyone to surf one on one against me. I don't care what board you ride or even if it's a piece of friggin driftwood with scripts if you can stand up on the wave and surf it, bring it, and that goes for RL too. I'll be waiting on the waves happy and smiling. Zen is a lifestyle of surfing not a word to be thrown around like you got it when you can't even define it, Chi is the inner peace of ones self that is used to exhibt that Zen, learn it then live it, claiming it and failing to lead through it is unforgivable!!

See you all on the waves. Oh one more thing. Hey, Action, can you make me a driftwood board so I can ride it against everyone else?

Surfing's Bad Boy,

Anonymous said...


A post announcing the sale of some surf sims turned into yet another mud-slinging contest.

All instigated by those that just can´t seem to shut up and surf.

Shame on me?


Colleen Brennan said...
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Colleen Brennan said...

Seems to me the market has spoken. people do love their SSi boards and waves which incidentally are offered at very reasonable prices. They are extremely fun to ride and anyone who has dealt with Seb or Heather Knows that they are two of the fairest and most honest people in SL.

As far as the action products go why is it that they are so obsessed with attacking SSi? It is bad public relations first of all. The whole marketing campaign comes across as "we don't like SSi" so since the overwhelming majority of people do they just stop listening after that.

I believe if I had a line of boards and waves I would personally be a lot more focused on my own line and not a bit concerned about anyone else's.

As most people know, I will basically surf an ironing board if that is what is floating in the water but I am not about to go and invest in waves or a board from anyone who insists on being so negative. The whole vibe is nothing but negative and very unwelcome.

For the record,I am one of the many who are extremely pleased with everything I have ever bought from SSi. If you can't have fun on the SSi boards and waves you just cant have fun.

Now, before you go in denial about the negativity I have mentioned please consider that this article was just a report on one of the nicest beaches in SL. Nowhere in it did it attack anything action has to offer.

Then the posts started in attack phase against Seb for no reason at all. Then the attack became personal against VW as well. Both Seb and VW are two of the hardest working and best people in SL. Neither did anything but answer your unfounded charge.

What is the point in being so negative. Do you just not ever want to be like or accepted.

I have tried to give everyone and anyone with a surfing idea a fair shake. But, I personally will not be seen associated with anything to do with Action products unless they have a serious attitude adjustment and start respecting other people.

You could at this point have the g5reatest thing since sliced bread and no one would give a crap because you keep playing the same broken record over and over again.

You get no traction because no one respects people who have nothing good to say.

As far as surfing against you one on one cLarke.... bring it on any day.

You get your driftwood and i will surf my Ironing board.

I don't even care if you get lucky and beat me. Fact is that I am not scared to surf against you and neither is anyone else I know of. I'll surf you on any wave and you can ride whatever board you want.

In fact I know a whole group that is happy to surf against you any time. They have comps about once a month. Bring it to the next SLSA comp.

Do you actually think anyone is afraid to surf against you?

PS - Beloved, Poid is a top artist and designer and having seen her TL work as well as the Brophy site I have no doubt that he would have the utmost respect for her. Neither of them probably has any idea who the other is. She definitely though is the equal at the very least to Brophy in the use of colors and making eye catching original designs.

Final thought: If you think you have a good product then focus on that. Attacking another product that has proven to be the best and well- liked will get you nowhere. People wil just tune you out.

Abel Halderman said...

I honestly would rather ride any SSi board than sucking Action boards that feel like a computer game. Action is a company that has made trouble in the past, especially whe they lied to their customers about their products, and is doing it again. I wonder how many of you already saw the fake posters saying that Action boards are "original". I feel sick looking at those people. That's how they act. Good luck to anyone wanting to be involved in that.

Against Copied Items said...

This is not About Action Or Seb or SSI even thou everyone wants to play this off as Action. What its about is illegal use of artwork. Lets keep it to this. I know you can't and start comparing boards. I want to see the license for the design that's it. Show it. All of the resellers with stolen artwork that is distributed. I make this point only to say why steal and look like a fool. Please post a distribution license for all the artwork on ssi boards either owned or distributed. Simple PROOF ! I have spoken with Marie And Drew I also have e-mails and they are pissed !

Aurora Jacks said...

What everyone isnt mentioning, is the nasty IMs received, i get them, and i know for a fact others do too, this is NOT one sided. It needs to stop, and the only reason the board ripping was brought up here was because there was nowhere else, it needed to be talked about. Thing is, there is alot of behind scenes stuff that goes on, I never thought so until recently, and its a shame that most get one side. But hey! Truth will come out in the end. It's all good, Just want to surf, and have a good time.

Kristoffer Juneau said...

We have always supported any product and any person on our sims and still do (few minor exceptions :)). My preference is with Action boards and waves right now because I feel they are superior in quality and features. This can always change, competition drives innovation. Keep hearing Action has stolen SSI scripts, as I have said being a software programmer in rl...its sounds like a load of bull. Time for anyone making these accusations to put up or shut up. Tired of hearing it. Maybe Action took an approach in this post here that people dont like, all of us are not the most diplomatic and PC all the time, because we all have passion for what we do. But at least they have something to back up their claim. Are they ripped or not? Well thats not really my concern...its the concern of the board designer, SSI, resellers and the original Artist. To protect ourselves we have removed any from our shop that are in question. Not saying anyone is guilty, not slinging mud, just doing what we feel is right.

I have been trying to understand a lot of the past bad blood in the surf scene, and really don't give a flying foo what happened. There is a lot of bad feelings Action has, and can you blame them? As soon as we started using Action waves and looking at their products we started hearing the negative attacks to us, increased rumors, talk behind our back and just outright lies. We get along with everyone and look to offer the finest of everything, plain and simple. I would have a hard time believing Action is making these remarks unprovoked and without cause, i know the flak I am getting just using their waves. There are a lot of people that need to grow up a bit. True the post started about Mori, but obviously it seems this is an area of great interest and debate and would hope we see someone do a fair and unbiased story looking into this. I think the community wants to see it.

Also, I will offer to host the surf off between Clarke and Colleen :) No offense Clarke, think I got my money on Colleen...she's kicked my butt in every competition.

Aurora Jacks said...

um Abel, It IS a computer game and also, I am sure the SLSA is so proud of their directors when they knock other board creators down, especially when they just want to provide for the surfing community as a whole. WTG!

Unknown said...

You don't want me to surf in a SLSA comp, you won't let me surf my driftwood, or an Action board, you are too stuck on the fact that boards can't be compared because they have different qualities, yet they all have the same limitations set by LSL. Surfing on one type of surfboard gives you no right to claim to be open minded and support all things in the surfing community, the facts state otherwise!!
Do you really think I would have a fair chance to be judged on surfing ability in an SLSA competition...laughs, shaking head...Somehow you turn everything I do positive into a negative really think I see or anyone else sees what your so called community relations does as positive after the way you ridicule and treat people, open your eyes and stop looking out to point a finger, you all need to start looking at yourselves. Anyone who talks to me in voice knows how laid back and relaxed I am, I have my Chi, and I give my Zen to everyone until of course you decide to treat me like I am any less of a human being than you are.
As I said before I have plenty of SSI products and I have used them and still do. My simple statements are a matter of opinion and can be voiced and guess what I don't say anything to you about voicing your opinions most of which has been proven a farce, I speak in fact and the truth as I have proven many times!!
So lets reword this challenge, if you really wish to compare the products you support with all manufacturers not separate them for whatever reason you think they can't be compared...then you can bring your boards, ironing boards included, to an organization that supports everything the Surfing Community as a whole has to offer...which by the way is one of the most negative stands you all have displayed...MUST welcomes all, no exclusions, no exclusive board usage, no dramatic outcomes to comps where the disciplinary board decides the winner, no rules changing and being modified or added as you go, nothing left to interpretation, no black ball list, no personal attacks when someone makes factual and valid points.
To be honest, you continue to react to other peoples actions, reactions alone are negative, so trying to turn it into a positive note just doesn't fly, surf, ski or anything else...Truth: MUST announces it's World Tour, SLSA reacts with a World Cup. You say you have been talking about this for a year, well, I have it documented I have done that not talking about it since 2007, so you claiming that you are the first to come up with it is not even true. So MUST moves on to bigger and better things all the while getting laughed at, ridiculed for it, when it is supposed to be positive, and anyone who says they support everything in the surfing world would support it...though it has never been that way! Your organization represented itself as sideline haters the whole way, and then you continue destroying it further by saying you have something revolutionary, sorry but you don't, and there's proof. We don't need to you to grow, though we don't exclude you. We have always set the example and will always continue to lead the way! We could care less if you want to follow and copy everything we do, you have displayed it by reacting to our innovation each and every time, not acting on your have so many more issues that you should be concentrating on correcting not trying to react to the next steps MUST takes towards bringing all surfers together not separating them by manufacturer, social status, gamer vs. real, or any other excuse you can come up with to divide the surfers, we at MUST don't use others copyrighted material, clip art, or open source...We create original content and Support not just Action but all who use original content creation...This isn't a popularity contest people, it's time to get real and get down to business, only good business to give to the surfers in this community, not monopolization tactics, seclusion, ridiculing of someones innovation, manufacturing of products, or surfing!!

Unknown said...

Chris no problem you can host that competition...and I'd post how many times I have beaten Colleen in SLSA competitions but due to the limitations set by heats where the top 1 & 2 advance it doesn't clearly give the right outcome of who is a better surfer, heats should only be to control the amount of avi's in a sim for lag purposes not deciding who moves on the scores of all surfers should be used no matter what heat they surf then the top 10,12,15 or whatever number is chosen should move on from all heats combined, that how you become unbiased by not allowing stacked heats, I have always surfed in the top heats, scores prove it!

But I'm not scared let's do it! I got my Action boards waxed and ready!!

Colleen Brennan said...
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Colleen Brennan said...

Clarke you can surf anything you want and anyone you want can be the judge. Hell, I will let you be the judge if you want. We can do any format you want too. As i said already, does not matter if I even beat you or not. Point is, and maybe i misread you, you seemed to be implying that people are afraid to surf against you one on one. That simply is not the case. So let me know and i will wax my Namiko or my Big Wednesday ssi, or you can even choose a neutral hp board.

As far as the World Cup, you can pretend you are right but then you will just continue to be wrong. This idea was hatching way before your recent return and had absolutely nothing to do with anything you announced. Easy enough to check too. Just ask Analog if I ever mentioned it to him two years ago as a possibility to have a similar event with the Japanese Surfing group.

As far as MUST goes I wish you luck and all the success in the world. Have fun with it. But please stop pretending that you are the only one capable of thinking of anything.

If you get any really good surfers trained send them to the SLSA comps they will be welcome.

Sebastian Saramago said...
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Unknown said...

Let me be clear, if Linden Labs asks me to take down any designers boards I will comply with any legitimate DMCA request.

I must say though, it's a sad state of affairs it seems we're in. I still remember the days when surfing was about having fun and doing something we enjoyed and not about trying to discredit a significant number of people who have built up the surf community over the years.

I've always felt the actions of Bob and the rest of the Action crew speak for themselves. Even if I disagree with their methods, I'd rather focus on enjoying SL and focusing on creating truely new things for people to enjoy than trying to tear down people and their work.

There is however some significant irony to this thread. Last time I checked (which honestly was a while ago) a good number of Action's skateboard designs are copyrighted designs taken from the Flip and Zero deck designs, right off the company website's at the time. My understanding is that Action has also had legal action taken against them by a number of other designers for reverse engineering, if not directly copying their work. Specifically their cars and clothing lines. The creators that Action has affected have actually had to purchase independent sims when they could afford it where they could leave their designs without worrying Action would try to copy them. Specifically speaking of "Reaction" (interestingly similar name?) and "WRONG" as well as the car designers the Action crew has imitated.

As depressing and distracting as episodes like this are for people who've put their soul into the surf community before the negativity came, I've met a lot of wonderful people through my work on Surfing in SL and wouldn't trade that for anything! In my ideal world I would hope that we can all continue to work together to create better surfing in SL!

~See you on the waves!~

Unknown said...

I guess you didn't read the post from earlier that accusation and naming of people is not to be done on Surf Watch comments or posts!!

like I said I simply stated fact, your the people who have been slinging my name through the mud all over SL, I have not said anything negative in any of my posts I simply issued a challenge and thanks for accepting it we are making arrangements for it to happen. I didn't imply anything I'm sure you misread. I say what I mean and mean what I say noting is left for you to interpret!

I think you need to reread what you wrote earlier Seb, you started the mud slinging in this thread, someone just simply called you out on copyright infringement and you slang mud, if you can't take what you dish out then simply don't say it!!

I'm done here, Colleen I'll let you know when the arrangements have been finalized, and no I'm not picking any single board cause that is still in your head that judging has to be done on one board. I'll surf anything I choose and you can surf anything you shoose, we'll leave it to the judges who wins!!

Poid Mahovlich said...

Beloved - my 10 glow boards with ssi are 100% my own origional RL artwork with added graphics, hand drawn additions and a spot of PS - I own the copyright to them in RL and choose to use them in SL. I don't need a licence as I am the origional creator. I shot these base images some 5+ years ago. I have the right to do, use and change thses images of mine any way I see fit.

Buffy said...

Anyone ever heard the saying: "Live and let live"? All these problems are caused by people interfering in other people's business, pretty much like most of the problems in todays world, not just SL!!

Against Copied Items said...

If you want to turn it to attacks on each other thats ok. I am not low enough to do this even thou I have a huge bag full of stuff to use. Action just wants the stolen images removed and to admit to it. Action used google images and pulled them we admit to it . See how easy this can be. Action was wrong. Corrected it did not need to wait for linden labs. Noob errors resolved.

Kristoffer Juneau said...

Many content creators when they start do things that aren't totally legit. We were all noobs once and just started our businesses to have fun and for some of us it grew much larger. We fell into the same traps in the beginning and then corrected those mistakes. We now make all of our own textures, or buy licensed ones. Same thing with animations, when we first started I used the the the animation kit floating around cheap. We payed for it but didn't know the person selling it didn't have the rights to sell those full perm. We contacted the creator of each animation we wanted to use and paid them or arranged a deal. Now we make our own or use only licensed animations we pay for.

We are not bad people for it, not thiefs. We realized what the right and sensible thing to do was. I think that is all that is being asked here. Someone may have made their own textures for their products, but when you have resellers and allow others to texture your products you are still responsible. I think its obvious not all boards out there are fully licensed to use those images and I will doubt anyone will deny that. Do the right thing respect the original creator of the content.

Unknown said...

Here's an idea one myself and Robin Mapp have been discussing heavily. Why don't the manufacturers all agree on something to make it fair MUST will create a special competition series dedicated to realistic surfing style with specific board criteria, we will give the criteria to all manufacturers to make boards that meet this criteria as that will be what is used for judging and keep board memory usage in similar ranges. The rest will left to the creativity of the manufacturer, and when your done you can bring the board to MUST so we can be sure the board meets that criteria all together. That means Action, HP, SSI with MUST to check the boards that will be used in this series. You want to be able to compare products well this is a solution we see if you all agree we will send you the copy righted board criteria immediately when are finished with it all at the same time. Then we'll let the surfers decide which boards they like the best and use their choice, then we can all have a truly realistic way of comparing. Now That is revolutionary innovation and I would like to thank Robin for suggesting it!!

Another thing, on the record I have no spies, Robin and I are friends and he is part of the Founders group of MUST because we carry the same beliefs and always have, this is for the surfers, so we will lead towards making an organization that is exactly that for the surfers!! There is nothing to imply here I have nothing to say about anyone as I have kept my posts completely away from that other than in my own defense.

Heather's "Action" & "Reaction" statement has already been a tired and ongoing battle, we all know it the names speak for themselves in physics you must have an action to cause that equal and opposite reaction and I'll leave it at that!

Aurora Jacks said...

no, the answer is to stop the mud flinging let by gones be by gones is that right lol and have every board in every comp, have different associations that offer comps that are fully open and have the judges decide which rider they liked best. EVERY association has something different to offer, and let that be the incentive to surf different comps. Different Circuits if you will and no bad mouthing the other. In a perfect surfing community, which we are all apart of, THAT'S what should happen.So how about everyone open themselves to change and enjoy all that these creators have to offer.

Beloved Avril said...

I retract my statement regarding any similarity of Poid's boards to any I saw on the internet. I was not referring to her neon boards. My mistake. I retract anything I said about her because she wrote to me and threatened to have her RL attorneys sue me if I did not retract. This is a nice way for HoF people to set example to beginning sufers? I retract, retract, retract, retract and I will try to remember there is no Freedome of Speech or voiceo of opinion among the surfing community or you get threats or grieved. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Beloved. Stop being a drama queen please. Defamation of character is serious and Poid had every right to bring that up. Your retraction is so filled with sarcasm it's ridiculous. You need to start looking at yourself first and think before you start attacking people. Because I know I for one will NOT be attacked by you like I was last night again.

Bel said...

"well i just did a google search for surfboard graphics and well it's interesting to say the least, especially the brophy site which only reminds me of the poid mahovich boards that come with the ssi package but not the same just eerily similar which surprises me cos she is a RL artist I heard. I dunno. "

that is what I said and I would hardly call that grounds for a lawsuit. I have a mirror, a really nice one, i look in every morning and smile and i sleep well at night because I stand up for my convictions. Drama? I am so sick of that word being used as an excuse.

Maria Brophy said...

As Drew Brophy's licensing agent, I will set the record straight: To date, there has never been an agreement with any designer or any other entity for Drew's artwork to be used in Second Life. All of Drew Brophy's artwork is copyrighted material, owned by Drew Brophy, and without a licensing agreement, you may not use, sell, distribute, or in any way produce anything with Drew's artwork on it.

Sebastian Saramago said...

Our community is being controlled by rumors and conjecture designed to undermine and destroy our community for the sole purpose of the success and profit of another.

This is happening from within and from the outside. Anyone one who spreads the gossip and plays into this intended plan is no friend to the surf community.

No one has come to me in-world to discusses this to my face until today. This is a sign of the state of the current desecration going on in virtual surfing.

Week minds eat up the gossip like starving dogs. It makes me sick. But, that's was the plan all along.

As regards to Brophy, the rumors are false. We are in fact NOT being sued, prosecuted, hanged, or anything else by anyone.

In 2006 we corresponded with Maria directly regarding the image use and informed her on how they were used. I included photos and all information. We did this in 2006 and made new vendors and graphics that did not use Brophy images.

Some original vendors still used the Brophy art and Heather stopped the sales of that line of boards. This was no secrete nor hidden information. However we did not get into public debate or conversations about it as our competitor had wished.

We have also been in contact with the Brophy's over this latest attack by our competitor, who has no real care for the protection of art or intellectual rights.

We have always acted with honor, and when we have been in the wrong we have taken steps to correct this on our own, and this includes our dealings with the Brophy's. This is Fact. -Sebastian Saramago