SL Relationships and SL SEX

This column is a continuation of our first column. Oh wait, hey all you math whizzes out there in cyberland who felt compelled to make comments about the SL timeline I put out there! Hey!!! It was just to make a point at how fast your SL relationships will move as compared to your RL relationships! It wasn't meant to be a literal calculation but rather an example, especially for us who obviously don't own a calculator! (Yeah, I'm smiling!) Be sure to leave all that analytical thinking in RL cause if you choose to be all that in SL, you may spend alot of time alone. Then I'm out of a job because if everyone is alone, who the hell needs a Love Doctor! But I digress...

Referring back to our previous column, the bottom line was this: be nice to each other, realize there are RL feelings behind these drop dead gorgeous avis', think about how sensitive people are and how we all crave attention, especially from the opposite sex. Most importantly, try your hardest to be faithful and monogamous to your partner. One last word on this: R E S P E C T!!! Just like Aretha coined the phrase like 100 years ago! You math people are thinking now: 100 years the doctor nuts??? The number is for effect!

Now to the meat of this column - SEX. Shall we discuss SL SEX? yes, we should - why not! Let's move forward a bit. You are in a relationship with the person you can't stop thinking about. Maybe you have already gone and figured out how to voice in SL rather than all this typing. It's alot easier to moan in real time and voice than to type all those OOOoooh's and AAAaaah's, isn't it! My brain is just flying here, and I know we're going to have to make this an ongoing topic which is just fine with the doctor. After all, discussing SL SEX is alot of fun.

Again, people, key word here is respect. For yourself and especially your partner. Having sex, making love, is THE most private moment two people can share with each other. Not only are your bodies bared, but so are your souls! Making love is such a private and wonderful experience. It's what brings two people closer than any other act. With this bonding, we grow closer and closer. We start buying gifts for each other - small ones, big ones, it doesn't matter. It's the thought that counts. For each of us to know that someone cares so much that they buy us little items to show they're thinking of you! Man, you can't beat that feeling, can you? SL SEX will do all of this and so much more. You must make the "do I or don't I" decision within yourselves. Even in SL, there needs to be some sort of morals at play. Forget the school of thought that this is "just a game". We all know that's nonsense! I want every single person who's reading this to think, just for a sec: How often do you think of your favorite person, place or thing in SL when you're out in RL? That incredible tropical island you spent time on with your partner. That secluded skybox cave and waterfall with pose balls of all types. Then in a flash, you both TP'd to Tahoe Mountain for some skiing and canoeing only to find an ice cave hidden in the forest! SL SEX -- making love -- is this incredible or what! How lucky can we be to be able to meet people from every corner of our incredible planet, here, right here! WOW! People from every walk in life and all these people are potential friends, lovers, advisors!

The act of actually performing SEX in SL is another thing completely. For the uninitiated first time folks, especially the guys, this can be hysterically funny. Ladies, please try not to laugh out loud, okay? Let's see if you beauties can relate. "Now where the hell did I put that new penis? Oh, here is is. Oh crap, that's a pencil. Damn, I have to organize this inventory. Oh, maybe this is it. Yeah, okay. Now click wear and then touch it to make it do stuff. Damn, why do they make this so hard? ohhh, hard...there it goes!" Anyway, I think we all get the picture of what a riot this can be. You know what, tho? She'll love you even more for all the laughs, guys, so don't get discouraged. The doctor is here to help! I will most certainly continue next time right where we left off here.

I want to leave you all with a quote or a saying of sorts. I'll try and have one for each column. This week's is: "When I die...I want to go in my sleep just like my grandpa did and not like the rest of the screaming people in the car with him!"

Dr. Love is a regular columnist with SurfWatch and writes about SL love. Post your questions for Dr. Love in the comments section or send direct to Tauri Tigerpaw. You may post anonymously.

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