SexyBoy Oh speaks out illegally in SLSA Public Forum

by Rhett McMahn, Business Columnist and Special Reporter

Sexyboy Oh
is making news again less then twenty-four hours after a decision was handed down disqualifying him from the SLSA's Topanga 2009 Season 1 season ending competition. Oh, who recently won said competition on points, was made aware of the SLSA's Disciplinary Board's findings yesterday afternoon.

In a 10:05PM (SLSA Forum Time) post entitled "So everyone know by them self" (complete post can be viewed publicly at, Oh posts the entire history of the actions of the Board, including the initial letter and a detailed defense of his actions. In addition, Oh makes commentary as to his opinion of the validity of various things such as which group is to be joined in the term SLSA, a notice in the official rules about being in current edit, a missing rule 2, and his interpretation of whether being a member of the SLSA organization requires membership in both the In-World SL Group or just the Internet based SLSA Forum (

Responses have been mixed at the time of this post with SLSA Advisor Ashleigh Dickins taking time to address each one of Oh's points in a clearly laid out point by point post, with quotes. One point Dickins made and was clear about Oh violating SLSA rules by posting in the SLSA Forum while not a member of the SL Surfing Association SL Group. "At the time of posting Mr. Oh was not a member of the group and therefore should not have even been allowed to post this. However he had not yet been deactivated by the board. As can be seen here:"

SLSA Director Robin Mapp assured his members that the SLSA Board is reviewing the recent events and actions. Mapp also calls for it's members not to air these issues in their public forum, but come directly and privately to the Board. "While I believe there are issues related to this ruling that need to be examined, and very much want to hear all opinions around this, I also feel that public scrutiny does nothing but cause disharmony and division among us all. I assure you all this is not a Witch hunt, and it will be addressed as such." Mapp reassured his group of his confidence in their administrators, officials, and members to come to a fair and correct outcome in this matter.

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Siennna Velinov said...

For the record, my post was the first comment to SB's post which i felt he had the right to make in his defense. I do am not a member of SLSA having left several weeks ago. My post was therefore illegal and yet no one cared. Is it the content or the person that is looked at before posts are declared illegal? This is looking more like The Crucible every minute.

Anonymous said...

Actually Sienna, your post is infact illegal and I will be sure to bring that to the attention of the board. People should read the rules and abide by them. As you are not a member of the SLSA you have no business posting on their forum.

Unknown said...

I'm not here to take sides in this matter as I feel that the rules stated about being a member were very unclear as to the policy that would be enforced.

1. It has never been written anywhere that a competitor must remain a member through the entire competition. In fact if you judge someone on something unstated that is in violation of your own code of conduct where the rules are supposed to be published not made up as you go!

2. The Forum is a public forum, unless you charge membership dues to the website you can only moderate the content not control who signs up and delete their members profile. I have been a member of the forum for years and until yesterday my profile was removed from a public forum. If you want to keep it private you have to charge, it's that simple otherwise it's public and left to the public to sign up as they choose!

3. On the contrary Ashleigh, since it is a public forum with no membership payments anyone has a right to create and account and post on their forum. You are speaking on something outside of SL where TOS does not apply nor does your Constitution, it's a Public domain due to your advertising efforts!

4. SexyBoy, I understand your frustration and by this case I feel you have been mistreated, as have many others in the past though they do post their rules and interpretation is a huge part of this, I don't see how you would confuse the fact that the SL Surfing Association would write rules that would affect any other organization in SL, and therefore I believe that was just somewhat of a grasp at straws.

5. Disciplinary hearing is final, however you are allowed to rebuttal any and all statements made for or against you in any forum no matter what where your name is stated public or private and prior to publishing you must be made aware and approve of it, by law Patriot Act of 1999, rights of privacy. An IP address is like a social security number and if you wish to record them through your website in a public manner you must leave your forum public, otherwise charge a fee and close it, then follow the rules by requesting permission to post with someone's name used and grant them access to view and comment on that thread only!

Anonymous said...

Actually Clarke it is in the rules that the forum is for members use only. That is why we try to also keep it clear of spammers and the like. Unfortunately that is a job in and of itself with some of the people in this world who make programs purely to create accounts on things

Unknown said...

Ashliegh , I do believe you misunderstood what I said...doesn't matter what your in SL rules state outside of SL, nor is it up to you to decide who can and can't post on a forum you don't charge for, it's free and therefore left public....and will be until you decide to charge for your's a clear violation of the first amendment

Colleen Brennan said...

Lets stop the hyperbole.
1) SB's post is a minor tresspass. It is hardly illegal in the sense that it is a major crime. The SLSA does have a right to regulate its web site forums. As far as I know however SB was only had his resilts from a comp DQ'd and for all we know he is a member in good standing and therefore able to post on the forums.
2)the first amendment does not apply here clarke. The first amendment is a restriction on the US CONGRESS stating that IT shall make no laws abridging the rights of freedom of speech.
Though I am a huge fan of freedom of speech I also would hope that Americans would have more intimate knowledge of the US Constitution. The SLSA is not Congress and, just as the NY Times is allowed to decide what goes on its letters to the editor page, is completely free to decide what remains in the forum as well as dictate access to the forums.
Sorry just a pet peeve of mine. I love the constitution of the US, but please lets not throw it around as if it applies here. Doing so weakens its true meaning. It protects the people from an over zealous government. That mission alone is enough.
1st amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
One further note. The forum is not free of charge. It is paid for by the SLSA.

Colleen Brennan said...

I have to take exception to calling SB's post illegal. There is no crime involved here.
Clarke, the first amendment only restricts The US Congress from passing any laws denying a right to freedom of speech. The SLSA regulating its website is certainly not the US Congress. here is that amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Siennna Velinov said...

Dear Ashleigh (and others who give a darn):
Obviously my post was to let you all know that I was not aware the posting on a site i was a member of was an issue...and to turn myself in (hopefully ill get probation and first offender treatment)

No need for the hatin... My Sl record has now been tarnished. Those who know me know I am a very easy going peaceful soul here. I treat people with respect even those who disrespect me (some in SLSA).

I think we all just need to chill out and stop acting like this is such a big deal here. It really is not. Laugh a little, get back to having fun in sl surf world... while respecting those around you who may be different.

I have met some incredible people in SLSA and i will continue to support the, their organization and all of their efforts, surfing etc. For me, I just needed less of this kind of drama right now. Maybe i will return and go for the championship in 2010!!! (yes that was a joke)

You got a question, IM me Ill be glad to discuss almost anything anytime.
Peace be with you all.

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

ROFL! Oh, Anonymous, how I wish you would leave your name so I could post your comment! If that crazy little North Korean dictator IS reading our blog, he may learn a little something about how seriously we take our rights! Thank you for reading SurfWatch!