SLSA LV Dominion Open Results

What a wonderful day out at Jaguar today! Such incredible surfing at the SLSA LV Dominion Open.  I was out in the judges stand and didn't get to take part in the party out in the stands, but I am sure it was loads of fun! I know we were have a great time out at the line up. The best part? All the competitors who surfed advance to next week's Pro event. Great job everyone!

Heat 1
nevenjr Resident   12.66667
Robbin Ember     14.66667
Roxxie Verino    14.16667
Violet Rain      14.16667
Surfista Hurricane  14.00000

Heat 2
Dixson Martian   13.83333
lanky Silvercloud  14.00000
Wilfrid Decuir   15.83333
AllieJ Resident  4.333333

Heat 3
Trista Potez     0.000000
Mick Lunasea     0.000000
Steve Bridger    0.000000
CK Carver        14.00000

1st - Wilfrid Decuir   15.33333
2nd - CK Carver        14.50000
3rd - Lanky Silvercloud   14.33333
4th (tied) Robbin Ember     13.66667
               Roxxie Verino    13.66667
5th - Violet Rain      13.50000

I hope to see you all back next Saturday, April 28th, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel for the Pro event.

Event Staff
Event Coordinator - Imzadi Amaterasu
Head Judge - Sally LaSalle
Judge - Bobbi Laval
Judge - Cierra Theriac
Marshal - Cloudy Mikado
Security - Robbin Ember
DJ - DJ Dan
Rashies - Imzadi Amaterasu

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