SLSA Team Member Informal Survey - Part 4

Submitted by Kantbe Thursday

Prompted by some of the questions about teams being asked by people who are new to surfing in Second Life® and the SL Surfing Association (SLSA), Surfwatch recently conducted an informal survey of surfers who are currently registered as team members for teams who have had competitors in the SLSA competitions over the past year. While individuals will not be identified by response, the nature of some responses may be a bit individually unique and suggest who provided that response. For the most part, any edits to responses were kept to a minimum in order to provide anonymity to all. (Editor's note: This is part of a continuing series as SurfWatch posts the survey questions and responses.)

SW: What is your team's structure, like Captain, co-Captain, Recruiter, Trainer, etc.? Can you describe a little about how this structure works?

We have to unofficial Captains (only to provide point of contact) but really we have no hierarchal structure.

We have captains, they fill in on notices when Mick is away, and take care of logistics. Mick's the captain, recruiter, trainer, jail-bailer, whatever else is needed.

One owner, two team captains.

Captain helps motivate and sets training

My Mother is the team captain and recruited me.

Our team is very small and has a more intimate vibe. We don't really have captains and co-captains we have team leads.

Montego comes from Montego Bay, which is in Jamaica. The Rastafarai culture and free spiritness of Montego is very prevalent in all things associated with the team. The Team structure is no different, as while there is Captains and such, there is little red tape.

We have the captains, co-captains. As for recruiter and trainers I think everyone works together to teach a little about something. No one really recruits but when we see someone having fun out there we consider.

Not sure,I do know that without Bobbi, Kantbe and Gia's hard work there would not be a ReefRiders team.
The Team is hungry always.... HUNGRY...staying that way ........... moving onwards HUNGRY...

We designated a couple of us for contact purposes, however, at the same time that we decided to just try one more season surfing as friends, for fun, we also decided not to have any captains, trainers, etc. Although some of us have been on the team longer, we are all just friends and equally important.

(Editor's note: Stay tuned to SurfWatch for the next part of the SLSA Team Member Informal Survey!)


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