Celebrating Ang's Rez Day!

The party deck at Mori was the site of a gathering of friends to celebrate the one year Rez Day of Angelle Aluveaux on Thursday, February 11, 2010. 

Maldrul Morris was on hand spinning the tunes while party goers danced, twirled flaming batons and drank shots of tequila. 

Guests even lined up for a precarious bunny hop! 

And two very special beefcake friends of Ang's showed up to share the celebration, Buff and Biff. 

Word has it the 3 headed off to continue the celebration at an after party locale!

Congratulations on one year in Second Life, Ang!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Rez Day Ang!! You are an Awesome Co Capt on Team Boracay and an excellent surfer. Above all that you are a most EXCELLENT person...very happy you rezzed on 2/11/08!!