Mari's Mailbag: Goodbye My Friend but not Forgotten

The recent news of Mori Pwani has left me feeling like all the rest of us...utterly saddened. Syx Toshi called it right when he pointed out how the surfers just don't contribute to surf sims. You don't as much as needed. If we all focused on keeping the community strong with volunteering and donating, our community would be much stronger. For me, I have very little traffic at Boracay Islands so all my income goes to that and a new sim I just purchased. Takes every dime I have to bring everyone else enjoyment. I do it to make it a better life for all of you. Same with V (VW Sands) and Lis (Lissa Pinion). They did this for all of us. I take time to pause now and reflect about what all Mori Pwani meant to me. So many things, I have to tell you when the lump clears from my throat and my eyes dry the tears they are shedding, I will have nothing but the fondest memories. V and Lis, they just don't make them any finer than these two. I love you both and thank you for all you gave for the surf community. For all you gave to me.  Feel free to leave your thoughts on Mori and messages to V and Lis in the comments section!

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Lissa Pinion said...

Mari....ty. This has been one of the hardest things either of us has had to do. The outpouring of support and encouragement is amazing and tells us that the work we did (and we loved every minute of it)payed off even if only in a small way. I've always said that these are just sims, it's the people that made them great. It's still very true.
Surf sims will never make a profit. The owners know this or soon learn this fact. It's totally about the love and stoke of surfing. Please, please, support your favorite surf sims.

V and Lissa

Anonymous said...

We will indeed miss Mori, however, hopefully we don't have to miss V and Lissa. Sims may come and go, but friendships remain. Thank you for what you've given to the surf community, V and Lissa. As many have said, please take time, effort and lindens to help support surf sims so we all can continue to enjoy what they bring to our second lives and the surf community.