Mari's Mailbag: Time to Explore

submitted by Marianna Monentes

Not sure if you have noticed my being away lots lately.  Seems all my friends come visit during the summer months to tour the grandeur of this place I call home. It's great seeing good friends, but I have sure missed chatting with all of you. The surf season has now winded down to its close, and and you will no doubt want to take advantage of Kantbe's (Thursday) surf sim list to check out places you have only heard about. So many great places to see, like Syx's (Toshi) Aussie Cove. I happen to be married to an Aussie and know they do it right. Some of the features of Aussie Cove is that it is the 7th sim in the Monkey Cove Surf Estate and rests on a small quiet laguna. The cove is home to several rental huts each with their own unique style. There are fluffies which have a small ½ sim run to the beach. When I asked about the amenities, he answered simply, "The only amenities are peace and quiet."

This sim is different from most in that its a short walk to just about any surfing wave in Second Life (SL), but far enough away to provide the peaceful retreat that is so hard to find. So let's get out there and check out these spectacular beaches waiting to welcome you with their warm beaches and rolling waves. Surf's Up!!

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