Mari's Mailbag: Who are your SLSA Directors?

submitted by Marianna Monentes

I am often asked who are our Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) Directors? How many are on the Board? Well, I will start by telling you there are 5 sitting Directors on the Board. They are Bobbi Laval, Harbor Piers, Syx Toshi, Countess ( Connie) Decosta, and Colleen Brennan. What makes each one unique? Here is a little history for you.

Bobbi Laval has been surfing and been an active member of the surfing community since the first SLSA season in 2007. She has surfed in all but one SLSA event, always finishing a season in the Top 10. Bobbi was inducted into the SL Surfing Hall of Fame. More recently, she has become known for her photography, conceptual art and digital paintings. She has shown her work at several major galleries around SL with very positive critical acclaim.

Harbor Piers has been surfing the shores of SL since December of 2008. Originally a non-competitor, Harbor would surf the beaches on various sims throughtout SL with nothing but having fun on his mind. Harbor started competing in SLSA sanctioned competitions at the end the 2009 season and now has 2 full seasons of experience under his belt, all with Team Boracay. In the latest season, Harbor finished in the charts at number 5, enjoying every bit of surfing that comes his way. "Competition at first was a stretch, because to me, surfing is for pure recreation and enjoyment. Once I saw how competiton brings the entire SL surfing community together, the stoke and skill was unbelievable. That's when I knew that I wanted to be a part of that."

Syx Toshi first rezzed in SL October 2007.  Being a real life surfer, he was immediately addicted to surfing here in SL. At first he rented a half sim and bought his first pipeline waves. About 6 months later, he moved to renting the entire sim and adding a small surf shop. After the first year, he decided to make the move and bought a full and homestead sim. He says, "It wasn’t very popular, but had a small following until a great group of Aussies found the place and really are the reason Monkey Cove is what it is today. Monkey Cove is 8 sims with public surfing on every sim except one. There are over 40 great residents and a large surf shop." He is a member of the SLSA, ABSSL, ASA, Team Tsunami, and has his own group, the Surf Monkeys.  Here are facts Syx has been kind enough to share: I don't normally surf in comps, but love surfing with friends. I do not have a partner, I have a dog here that constantly gets lost, his name is Thor. Favorite wave is tie between Epic and Sunset, love them both! First surfboard: ANALOG Samurai, Favorite Surfboard: SS6 Sea Dragon.

Countess DeCosta says, "Surfing is what you make it. Friends, good times and having laughs. It's not about winning or who's better or rankings." She believes everyone is ranked number one. Her real life as she grew up in the water on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Her first board she got at the age of 10 and seeing this gaint wave powering down on her. Her first wipeout at 10, she still remembers 40 years later. She says, " Never give up. Pick that board up and head out again and conquer that wave." She spent over 10 years in the surfing scene, Iron Women circuit, and loves the feel of the salt air and the ocean beneath her. SL surfing rocks. She came across SL surfing one day at Surf City and met a bunch of cool surfer dudes who said, "Hell yeah, there's surfing in SL." She grabbed her first SL board and ran straight out into the surf not knowing how to ride the board. The fact that a community can come together and hang and surf with friends is all good in her book!

Colleen Brennan "born on 7/19/2006 and started flat-water surfing in Sl before I even found surfable waves. I have been in every SLSA competition since the first one and hope to keep the streak alive somehow in the future. I have gotten lucky and done well on occasion but I always have fun even when I finish last. I originally surfed with GR Boards and when that team broke up, I helped found the Tsunami Beach Surf Club. I have served about two and a half terms as SLSA director ( one previous full term, plus a partial term filling a vacancy, and about 80% of my current term.) I love surfing In SL as well as real life (RL). I love helping new people and the welcome mat is always out at Tsunami Beach for anyone interested in surfing. We will lend you boards and you will meet nice helpful people almost 24/7. We also have some really great fountains made by Mari so if you just want to relax, have a seat by one and watch the waves roll in at sunset."


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