submitted by Marianna Monentes

New Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) surf season is fast approaching and it's a good time to take any training presented to help SLSA out. There are many positions needing to be filled. Judges and marshals is a great way to start. They will announce when training for these positions will open and take it from it. Being judge was very rewarding to me in many ways. Being responsible for giving the very fairest score you can give. Watching the surfer excel and fail. Seeing the sheer determination to conquer the ride all the way to the beach. Fighting the ever present lag that accompanies most competitions. It's incredible to score fair and see them at the podium.
With schedules, it is always a challenge for SLSA to keep these positions filled, so many are needed and don't ever think its something you cannot do. You can and trust me, it's a great time. One word of advice is to have a frig stocked for your quick trips getting snacks during the day. Lissa Pinion always managed to feed everyone but it's nice to offer to her, too.
Next time you see an announcement needing help, try it. You really have nothing to lose and so much to gain. The knowledge helps you perfect your ride. You learn what the judges look for. I never marshaled but saw them in action. They keep things running smooth and usually keep everyone laughing. So do us all a favor and just try it, you may be the next Head Judge one day and training others to one day fill your shoes.
1 comment:
Thank you Mari. This is all so true. We do want and need people willing to be trained and we welcome you gratefully. We will soon announce a schedule. The league is by surfers and for surfers so feel free to hop in and if you want to participate on any level we welcome you !
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