I was looking among the SL (Second Life) forums for some interesting data about the older style flexi hair (which still has a following) and the newer mesh styles that so many love to wear. I wanted to get a history of how it all developed and the pros and cons of each style. Well, I found the perfect topic under Forums/mesh - and - flexi - hair! I want to give credit where due so let me provide a direct link for you to the community forum page you need. You'll be able to see who started the topic and all the responses. It provides very good information you will find useful. Visit
Example flex hair: IvankaV1 sWEET HAIR sWEET FACEs (model Tauri Tigerpaw)
This Forum topic is from 2014 yet all the info is still considered current. There are a few more hair developers now that try to incorporate both flexi and mesh into one hair style. For example, using mesh for the all over look and adding flexi whispies etc. Catwa, as pointed out in the forum, uses both flexi and mesh in a few of their hairstyles.
NEW is the LeLutka "Swish" hair which uses what they call animated hair (not flexi). Follow this link to the MarketPlace to pick up a demo https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LeLutka-SWISH-hair-DEMO/3802484
Example mesh hair: =DeLa*= Elsie (model Tauri Tigerpaw)
Also visit this page from the Strawberry Singh blog which goes into more detail on the Swish hair. [Editor's note: link under SurfWatch "Links We Like!" in the sidebar to the right]. She also posted some videos so that you can see the effects of the "swish" which doesn't show up in static photographs.
If you have anything to add, please leave comments!
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