Call for Candidates for SLSA Director Positions

I can't say it any better; as posted on the Second Life Surfing Association forum.

As per the SLSA Constitution, we will be having a General Election to fill 3 Board of Director positions. The election is scheduled to be held on June 1st, 2012. Exiting Directors are Sally LaSalle, Giavannamarie Melody and Maldrul Morris.

If you would like to help keep your SLSA running, please consider standing for election as an SLSA director. As with all Director positions, the term duration will be 6 months, in these cases from June 1st, 2012 until November 30th, 2012. Applications should be turned in between May 12th and May 19th.

If you wish to stand as a director, please create a note-card (IM's cannot be accepted) in-world, stating:
your name, your willingness and ability to serve a full term, any affiliations of team, product or sim ownership, and a paragraph or two outlining your background, and your vision for the SLSA.

Send the note-card to all of the current sitting directors; Giavannamarie Melody, Sally LaSalle, Imzadi Amaterasu, Maldrul Morris and Revlon Benoir.

Director Eligibility is outlined in the SLSA constitution Section II.B. and can be viewed in the forum at viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1409 or on our web site at (won't require a file download).

Good luck and thank you for supporting YOUR association.

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