Fashion Feature: Ripple Bikini

You won't be blue for long in this Ripple bikini!

Hair:                ETD Riley
Shape:             Alady V3 Bossay Shape bikini model shape
Skin:                Belleza - Alyson Deep Tan 4
Eyes:               FS New ye multicolor (spirit)
Outfit:              Ripple Bikini A6
Accessories:    DP D-Platinum-Sig-Round Bamboo Hoop
                         Belly ring teal star
                         Detour Nails French Pink 1
                         Vixen eye lashes
                         Persona Might Heart silver bangles
Location:         SurfWatch photostudios, Boracay
Photographer: Tauri Tigerpaw

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ripple is a Trade Brand which is owned by sharKbite. The Ripple range was dropped from sharKbites' commercial offerings in a gesture of sensitivity to people in countries where the Ripple name is regarded as offensive. sharKbite does not in anyway endorse this feature.

- cheers, Sally LaSalle