Bandit the Party Animal

If anyone wonders what Bandit is up to at Isoropia when owners Jimbo the Cart Boy and Emma Portilo are hard at work, wonder no more!

Bandit on hidden SL sim cam caught holding flaming limbo party, as he prepared to show how low he can go...

Bandit caught on camera just prior to 911 call drawing fire and rescue responses to Isoropia for dog saving and fire suppression measures.  Medical status of Bandit's tail not known at this time.

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Anonymous said...

They don't call me a "hot dog" for nothin' you know. The medics took good care of me and I'm doing much better now. I'll be back to partying in no time!

Lick on the nose,


Lissa Pinion said...

awwww poor Bandit! But ya know, I had no idea dogs like to limbo! I'll have to hide the limbo stick and matches from my own sweet Dexter from now on and talk to him about the dangers of flaming limbo games. Glad to know you are ok and will be back to partying me! ;-)