Jimbo the Cartboy's Hawian Surf Adventure

submitted by Maxwell "Jimbo the Cart Boy" Silvansky

Photo courtesy North Shore Surf Shop

When I was in Hawaii recently on vacation, Jimmy at North Shore Surf Shop -- awsome dude , by the way - was sizing me up for a surfboard.  I was a few pounds over 200 (worked very hard on getting back to sub 200!).  Anyway, he put me on a board that had a convenient handle in the middle of it.  Later I came to realize that Jimmy had me on a fuckin' paddleboard!  But, I still got up and surfed those 5 footers.  It just looked like a battleship compared to everyone else's boards!

Jimbo, it's an actual thing!

*Thanks to Kantbe Thursday for finding those awesome youtube videos, Surfing Mavericks and Gerry Lopez SUP


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