Laval hits the big 3!!!

submitted by the Roving Reporter

Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) Director and long time surfing great, Bobbi Laval, celebrated her 3rd Rez Day at a surprise celebration at the Cafe at Tsunami Beach. 

A good time was had by all and the positive impact Bobbi has always had on the surfiung community was clearly demonstrated not only by who attended but also behind the scenes by people who could not attend the party yet did so much to put it together and make it work.

Bobbi is never one to blow her own horn and her Rez Day almost went by unnoticed. When people realized it was her day, and almost up to the last minute, numerous people joined together to make it a celebration to remember.

With custom decorations created by MaryAnn Maa, surfing personalities past and present made appearances. It was a great way to end a big weekend for Bobbi who also just took first place in the 1st event of the Associacao  Brasileira de Surf no SL (ABSSL's) new season.

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1 comment:

Jimbo said...

What a nice party it was, Happy Rez Day Bobbi, your a great person!!!