submited by Geof Romano

Latest issue of BEACH BUNNY Magazine is now out and available. The cover featuring Beach Bunny Wicked Eiren is here:

In this latest issue of BEACH BUNNY Magazine which continues the legacy of celebrating the Second Life (SL) beach life you'll find the following:

1. Guide to the ultra exclusive and private Malibu Colony
2. An insiders tour of the Beach Bunny Villa
3. Interview with surfing legand Counting Offcourse
4. Look at the latest fashions by Waven Cajun
5. Surf photos by WickedV Carver
6. Peek onto RL art by Xabrina Oh

This latest edition, v2 the Yellow edition is available in the Beach Bunny Shack on the Boardwalk at Bundy Beach or you can join the subscribomatic.

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