1st place: Wilfrid DeCuir 18.50000
2nd place: Socks Clawtooth 18.16667
3rd place: Desirae Beaumont 18.00000
VW Sands 17.50000
SexyBoy Oh 16.5000
Colleen Brennan 15.50000
Semi Final 1:
Desirae Beaumont 16.83333
Sweetcajan Voom 11.3333
Followingwaves Sirbu 12.16667
Colleen Brennan 13.66667
Jac Mornington 13.66667
Surf Off Tiebreaker:
Colleen Brennan 8
Jac Mornington 7.16
Semi Final 2:
Tristan Mayo 14.5
SexyBoy Oh 17.33
Bobbi Laval 14.66
WickedV Carver 11.33
VW Sands 16.83
Semi Final 3:
Wilfrid DeCuir 17.50000
Sally LaSalle 13.83333
Bonheur Chenaux 13.66667
Socks Clawtooth 15.50000
Heat 1:
Desirae Beaumont 16.33333
Abel Halderman 15.00000
Triston Mayo 15.83333
Dixson Martian 13.66667
Sassy1Fizzle 14.83333
Pova Rustamova 13.50000
Heat 2:
Wilfrid DeCuir 15.50000
Buffy Munro 10.66667
GiavannaMarie Melody 13.00000
Sweetcajan Voom 14.00000
Sean Azambuja 13.16667
Countess Decosta 13.83333
Heat 3:
SexyBoy Oh 15.83333
Monq Pinklady 14.83333
Kim Henig 15.00000
Sally LaSalle 15.66667
Crusader Arado 15.50000
Followingwaves Sirbu 15.66667
Heat 4:
Bobbi Laval 15.6667
Bonheur Chenaux 15.16667
Yendor Destiny 14.83333
Mick Lunasea 12.66667
Rhett McMahn 12.83333
Heat 5:
Colleen Brennan 15.83333
WickedV Carver 15.66667
Robin Mapp 14.00000
Kimmy Jigsaw 15.16667
Desne Aabye 15.16667
Heat 6:
Sunrize Mornington 14.50000
Socks Clawtooth 15.83333
Jac Mornington 15.16667
Lacy Rossini 13.66667
VW Sands 15.16667
Memorial design courtesy WickedV Carver
Was great fun switching the waves around and seeing some really great talented ppl take to the waves! :-)
Blood will not be forgotten and our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
Rest in Peace, Blood...
Wish I could place a lei for ya!
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