submitted by Marianna Monentes

With the closing of Mori Pwani you may think "oh its ok a new surf sim will spring up". Have to tell you a surf sim may spring up but not the same ambiance. Sure, same people will go check it out and may decide to frequent it but there is so much more to a surf sim than a few visits here and there. Mori Pwani has a life of its own. I feel the creators are the ones that bring that life...their visions. To blend it all skillfully to create a perfect surf destination. It's the same as I have always said, "The art of surfing, gradually becomes a masterpiece." The same holds true for the surf sim. It may be born over night but to skillfully create that masterpiece takes vision, time and the almighty linden or dollar. Then it requires many of us frequenting it and tipping when we do to keep it afloat. So yes, more will spring up, but will it be another Mori Pwani? Nope. It will have it's own life. Its own ambiance. For how long? If none of us respect it, that too will fade into the virtual sunset.
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