Season winner to be officially announced at SLSA awards night

Following a memorable Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) surfing season, it now seems certain that Pova Rustamova will retain his number one place in the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) season table. Although this has yet to be confirmed by the SLSA and amid other rumours, it looks like Pova will become the season champion. The Season winner, runners up and other end-of-season surfing awards are expected to be announced by the SLSA at an end-of-season awards night on Friday 20 June 2008 at Majini Island.
Devinna Toll came close to unseating the champion at the Surfline Shortboard Pro in April, but Pova retained his number one ranking and consolidated his lead with extra points from a fourth place at the SLSA Reaction Longboard Epic at Neart.
Last weekend it was Desirae Beaumont that came closest to knocking Pova off the top of the table with her stunning win at the Thor Bishop Shortboard Pro at El Corazon. However, once again Pova had the numbers working for him and the points gained from his heats position ensure, at least by our calculations, that he keeps his number one place at the end of the SLSA surfing season.
Despite securing just one competition win during the whole SLSA surfing competition season, Pova has surfed consistently well throughout the season taking fourth place at Majini Island at the beginning of the year, then first place at Monkeh Barrel in February. Surfline upset Pova's fortunes in April as he was unable to complete his semi final heat due to technical issues, although he still managed a respectable 12th place. SLSA Reaction Longboard Epic at Neart saw him close to, even if not actually on, the podium with another fourth place. Whilst the Thor Bishop Shortboard Pro didn't give him the results he wanted (leaving him at joint 14th together with QUENCH Spotter), Pova's overall season's scores were enough to stand him in good stead.
By SurfWatch's calculations, Pova should finish the surfing season in first place with 2,960 points, closely followed by El Corazon winner Desirae (previously seventh place) who narrowly beat Colleen Brennan (previously fourth place) into the second place position. However, you'll have to wait until Friday to get the full story from the SLSA.
Useful links
SurfWatch: INTERVIEW -- VW Sands (7 May 08)
SurfWatch: INTERVIEW -- DeVinna Toll (14 Feb 08)
URL: SLSA Season Ranking
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