Part 3: The SLSA has a Constitution?

Welcome to Part 3 of our series covering the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) Constitution in an on-going quest to familiarize and understand the constitution in bite-sized chunks.  Please refer to the earlier posts as this series will build on prior Parts*.

The Constitution:

1. Structure
1.1. Association Structure (covered in Part 2 of this series)
1.2. Mission Statement
1.2.1. The objectives of the SLSA shall be: To establish and maintain an international association to promote the interests of surfing in all its forms throughout all of SL, to which all concerned with the sport of surfing or its related activities may gain affiliation. To promote and co-ordinate surfing and surf-related activities throughout SL. To establish rules, criteria and standards for judging at, and for conducting SL surfing and surf-related contests. These measures shall inter-alia apply to the sport and to those participating in it. To promote uniformity of rules for the control and regulation of surfing and surf riding throughout SL, by encouraging Sim Owners and Vendors to adopt the SLSA’s established rules and standards. To co-ordinate the SL surf activities of Sim Owners and Vendors by providing a forum for arranging SL contests and events. To authorize and assist in organizing a member and/or third party to host SL surfing competitions and any other SL surf events, and to list such events as “sanctioned by the SLSA”. To work for the conservation and improvement of beach and wave Sims and the protection of surfing resources throughout SL. To promote the values of good sportsmanship amongst surfers and surf-related participants, organizers and officials. To promote the educational, scientific, literary and charitable aspects of the sport, improving cultural and sporting contacts between the surfers of SL. To enter into any contract, association or negotiation for the purpose of giving effect to any of the aforementioned objectives.
Break Down:

The Mission Statement is always the meat and potatoes of what drives an organization and determines its focus.  The many subparagraphs defined as "objectives" clarifies the ways it hopes to accomplish that mission and should spell out the mission statement in more detail.

The Mission Statement states the SLSA is the governing authority for surfing and surf related events in Second Life.  Any surfing group can state they are the governing authority - that doesn't make it so.  Other SL surfing groups over the years have had autonomous authority over SL surfing events that they held whether MUST (Metaverse United Surfers Tour), other international groups that existed previously like the ABBSL (Brazilian Surfing Association) and the JSA (Japanese Surfing Association) and the VSA (Vibrations Surf Alliance) that held Surf Jams for years, and many more groups that have come and gone.  These events do not fall under an SLSA umbrella.  While some SLSA members surfed in those competitions, those organizations had their own governing rules, officials and ways of running their competitions and scoring. 
The Mission Statement goes on to state the SLSA governs competitions, promotes surfing and surf-related sports (still looking for clarity on what constitutes a surf related sport - would this be any sport with a board in the water i.e. paddle boarding and wind surfing?), and ends with basically what the SLSA does best - provide guidance and advice to members regarding competitions, judging and sport instruction.

The Objectives:
  • The SLSA is an international organization promoting surfing in SL and anyone is welcome to join.
  • The objectives state the SLSA wants to promote surfing and surfing-related events.
  • The SLSA wants to establish the rules and standards for judging SL surfing and surf related contests.  Inter-alia defined for those unfamiliar with the term: A fancy way of saying "among other things".  This objective seems to be saying those measures discussed will apply, among other things, to the sport of surfing and participants.  It's unclear why a blanket "among other things" would be included here.  While the SLSA can establish its own rules and standards for SLSA contests, it does not have the authority to cover all of SL surfing and other groups may establish their own rules and judging criteria as they have in the past, currently do and likely will in the future.
  • Another SLSA objective is to encourage sim owners and vendors to adopt the SLSA's rules and standards in order to "regulate" surfing in SL.
  • The SLSA would like to coordinate all SL surf activities by providing a forum for events and contests.
  • The SLSA would like to "authorize and assist" members or non-members to host surfing competitions and surfing events and list these events with the phrase "sanctioned by the SLSA".  Does this include helping other surfing groups and associations?  We're looking for clarity on how something is "sanctioned by the SLSA".  Does this require a unanimous agreement by the Board or simply a majority?  This may be defined further in the document.  There are many surf activities taking place that are not "sanctioned by the SLSA".  What exactly does this phrase imply or grant to the parties holding the event?  If the SLSA has a mission statement of "promoting surfing and surf related activities" but does not sanction a surfing or surf related event, is this a contradiction in objectives?
  • Another SLSA objective is to protect SL surfing resources and work for the conservation and improvement of beach and wave sims.  In what way does the SLSA accomplish this?  Are funds provided to all or some beach and wave sims?  Do the directors travel on a regular basis as part of their responsibilities to various surfing sims to determine if their beaches and waves need improvement or "conserving"? Are there guidelines that a beach or wave sim must meet?  And if the beach or wave sim meets those criteria, do they receive an endorsement by the SLSA?  If they do not meet those criteria and are determined to need improvement but don't comply, do they not receive that endorsement?
  • Promotion of good sportsmanship values is another objective.  It states "among surfers, surf participants, organizers and officials." This clearly includes the Board of Directors who are the in-world representatives of surfing in SL.  Who determines these values?  Do they change as the Board of Directors change?  Do they apply only to competitions or SL behavior in general?  Does it include breaking the competition rules as clearly defined by the Constitution?  Does it include violating general ethical behavior?  Does it include behavior involving the surfing community and the general SL community?  By "promoting" these values, what exactly does that entail?  Are members that receive special honors and recognition by the SLSA only judged by their competition skill or does this include behavior in SL in general to display "good sportsmanship"? Are there penalties for not displaying "good sportsmanship"?
  • The SLSA wants to improve cultural and sporting contacts among SL surfers by promoting educational, scientific, literary and charitable aspects of the sport.  What are examples of educational, scientific, literary and charitable aspects of the sport that the SLSA has promoted in the past or currently does promote?  
  • The last objective allows the SLSA to enter into any agreement to accomplish any of the objectives.  Would this have to be approved by the entire Board of Directors or the membership in general?  Who on the Board can authorize the Association to enter into a legal agreement?  Does the term of any agreement only apply for the time of that specific Board of Directors?  Can a specific Board obligate the Association to a long term agreement that outlives the term of the Board?  The SLSA surfing sim, Solace Beach, is one example of a long term agreement the SLSA has entered into to make payments on a regular basis in exchange for use of that sim as an SLSA dedicated surfing sim.  Does the Board revisit this agreement on an annual or other basis to determine if the membership wants to continue spending funds in this area?  While the rental huts on Solace are clearly agreements to exchange linden for occupying that location for a specific period of time, are there other agreements the SLSA currently has and are they posted for member review?
Many of these questions may be answered and issues clarified by further sections of the Constitution.  We'll keep a running tab of our questions and answer them as we encounter answers in our process.  Please feel free to add your questions in the comments, no anonymous comments please, and we will  include them in our Questions section.  Anyone wishing to provide clarity on these Questions is also invited to comment.

Questions from Part 3:  
  • The Mission Statement states the SLSA is the governing authority for surfing and surf related events in Second Life.  Any surfing group can state they are the governing authority - that doesn't make it so.  Has Second Life as a platform stated it recognizes the SLSA as THE governing authority for surfing and surf related events in SL? 
  • The Mission Statement goes on to state the SLSA governs competitions, promotes surfing and surf-related sports (still looking for clarity on what constitutes a surf related sport - would this be any sport with a board in the water i.e. paddle boarding and wind surfing?)
  • We're looking for clarity on how something is "sanctioned by the SLSA".  Does this require a unanimous agreement by the Board or simply a majority?  This may be defined further in the document.  There are many surf activities taking place that are not "sanctioned by the SLSA".  What exactly does this phrase imply or grant to the parties holding the event?  If the SLSA has a mission statement of "promoting surfing and surf related activities" but does not sanction a surfing or surf related event, is this a contradiction in objectives?
  • Another SLSA objective is to protect SL surfing resources and work for the conservation and improvement of beach and wave sims.  In what way does the SLSA accomplish this?  Are funds provided to all or some beach and wave sims?  Do the directors travel on a regular basis as part of their responsibilities to various surfing sims to determine if their beaches and waves need improvement or "conserving"? Are there guidelines that a beach or wave sim must meet?  And if the beach or wave sim meets those criteria, do they receive an endorsement by the SLSA?  If they do not meet those criteria and are determined to need improvement but don't comply, do they not receive that endorsement?
  • Promotion of good sportsmanship values is another objective.  It states "among surfers, surf participants, organizers and officials." This clearly includes the Board of Directors who are the in-world representatives of surfing in SL.  Who determines these values?  Do they change as the Board of Directors change?  Do they apply only to competitions or SL behavior in general?  Does it include breaking the competition rules as clearly defined by the Constitution?  Does it include violating general ethical behavior?  Does it include behavior involving the surfing community and the general SL community?  By "promoting" these values, what exactly does that entail?  Are members that receive special honors and recognition by the SLSA only judged by their competition skill or does this include behavior in SL in general to display "good sportsmanship"? Are there penalties for not displaying "good sportsmanship"?
  • What are examples of educational, scientific, literary and charitable aspects of the sport that the SLSA has promoted in the past or currently does promote?  
  • The last objective allows the SLSA to enter into any agreement to accomplish any of the objectives.  Would this have to be approved by the entire Board of Directors or the membership in general?  Who on the Board can authorize the Association to enter into a legal agreement?  Does the term of any agreement only apply for the time of that specific Board of Directors?  Can a specific Board obligate the Association to a long term agreement that outlives the term of the Board?  The SLSA surfing sim, Solace Beach, is one example of a long term agreement the SLSA has entered into to make payments on a regular basis in exchange for use of that sim as an SLSA dedicated surfing sim.  Does the Board revisit this agreement on an annual or other basis to determine if the membership wants to continue spending funds in this area?  While the rental huts on Solace are clearly agreements to exchange linden for occupying that location for a specific period of time, are there other agreements the SLSA currently has and are they posted for member review?

*This is not an SLSA sanctioned series.  SurfWatch is exploring the SLSA Constitution as a long time member, supporter, former sponsor and participant in the SLSA over the years with the goal of understanding and education.  We invite SLSA and public comment for clarity and discussion.



SallyLaSalle said...

I'll have a crack at the questions. This is my personal view and in no way represents the view of the SLSA board.

Q .. THE governing body.
A. Yep it may seem a bit arrogant today, but when the constitution was written, the SLSA was THE ONLY body. All other mentioned bodies came later. It could do with a bit of a PC clean-up no doubt, but also no doubt that other bodies have (and will) make similar grandiose claims, and good luck to them! :)
p.s. its a bit like this too ;P >> is Second Life surfing's NUMBER 1 SOURCE for news and information.

Q .. Surf Related Sports.
A. This was added in the first amendment to the constitution, it was specifically brought in to cater for the envisioned (but never eventuated) development of "Surf Reef" Windsurfer wave-style competitions

Q ...Sanctioned by the SLSA
A This is not fully elaborated in the constitution and that was an oversight. However the intent of this is explained in this fprum post Basically it meant that if you ran a competition according to SLSA rules (rules standardisation) and had a minimum number of participants (so that you couldn't just have a surf-off with your one and only friend and ...) The event would count towards gaining voting rights in the SLSA. This was an example of how the SLSA was trying to encourage other organisations to build and run surf competitions with uniform rules.

Q ... work for the conservation and improvement of surfing wave sims.
A This has nothing to do with "Endorsement" This clause was added because the financial viability of surfing sims was and still is very marginal (to say the least) because large swathes of the surf sim are dedicated to Wave runs, thereby making revenue from rentals on those sims extremely;y difficult. We had in mind carving out a better deal for surf wave sim owners from the then, monopoly surf equipment maker SSi. That is a whole other story by the way and would be worthy of an article of its own.

SallyLaSalle said...

Q. ...Values of good sportsmanship.
A. It's a simple all-inclusive ambition objective. it is meant to include ALL people that participate in surfing and it is meant to be driven by ALL people, but most of all by the 'caretakers' of the SLSA .. the current directors. Obviously its an ambition that is an objective ideal., there have and probably always will be examples of bad sportsmanship, hopefully we and the perpetrators in particular, can learn and grown from reaction to those.
One other thing, the SLSA is not the SL police. it's absolutely impossible and ridiculous to think that the current board can adjudicate on personal disputes between members, they simply do not have access to any evidence to be able to do that, even if they were crazy enough to try. Having said that though, people acting in-the-name-of the SLSA and code of conduct breaches at surfing events or on SLSA forums and chat groups are fair game for censure. It really is as simple as .. "Don't be an ass-hole' which is the summary of every code-of-conduct ever.

Q. educational, scientific, literary and charitable aspects of the sport.
A ... Its a bit vague but again was an ambition to help people via surf culture. Charity is a very tricky one and the SLSA was burnt very early on by some bogus charity requests and subsequently dropped that idea. Many SLSA members independently ran surf events for Relay for Life over the years.

Q .. enter into any agreements.
A. Requires a unanimous agreement by the sitting board. All future boards have the (unanimous) right to break such an agreement. That is why there are elections and term limits. Large decisions are conventionally put before the membership before they are enacted and there used to be a practice where the board of directors would seek advice form SLSA Advisers (former directors that accepted the advisory role).. I haven't seen a lot of that lately.

The SIM Solace Dreams and (Archipelago before it) have always been the cause of some heated opinions. The argument kind of went like this
ANTI-SIM: "We shouldn't have a surf sim owned by the SLSA because that conflicts with the idea of promoting and conserving other private sims" (NB private sims aren't actually stated in the constitution)
PRO-SIM " ahh yes, but the slsa sim acts as a central distribution point of information about other private sims in a fair and even handed way and helps to preserve surfing in general, besides which private sims would the SLSA give its money to pray tell??"

Other contracts I know about are:
1. Dreamhost: - web site hosting .
2. The implicit (but never mentioned) Day payment for being an event official.


SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

Fantastic, Sally - I was hoping someone would step up to clarify some of the questions especially with your history and knowledge of intent. Seems some clean up and clarification might be helpful, although we are still hoping some of the terms will be further clarified as we delve deeper into the document.
And as far as SurfWatch's and the SLSA claims of being number 1 or being an authority on a topic, SurfWatch uses it in advertising and goals, not as a part of any constitution. You cannot compare a commercial to a governing document ;-P
We hope you and others continue to follow and comment on the series with the intent of education and understanding.