Part 2: The SLSA has a Constitution?

Welcome to Part 2 of our series covering the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) Constitution in an on-going quest to familiarize and understand the constitution in bite-sized chunks.  Please refer to the earlier posts as this series will build on prior Parts*.

The Constitution:

1. Structure
1.1. Association Structure
1.1.1. The SLSA is a Non-Profit Organization.
1.1.2. SLSA Purpose: Organize and run surfing and surf-related events for the benefit of its membership. Administer individual and team rankings for surfing and surf-related events and series. Promote SL surfing and surf-related sports.
Break Down:

This section sets the groundwork on what the SLSA's primary purpose is.  While the SLSA is a
non-profit and there is no cost to join or compete, it does have expenses such as sim fees (Solace Beach), competition pay-outs (winners receive a linden payment) and competition officials who also receive payment.  To help defray operating expenses, the SLSA rents huts on Solace Beach, accepts donations and holds fundraising activities.  We'll explore in-depth how the organization operates financially when we get to the financial section of the Constitution.

One of the primary functions of the SLSA is holding surfing competitions and maintaining the competitors ranking status.  The results are celebrated at the Awards Ceremony including induction into the SLSA Hall of Fame.  For some competitors, it's a serious competition and they are very passionate about rankings.  For others, it's a fun time to party and hang out with friends.  While other competitions have existed and currently exist, the SLSA competitions are considered the gold standard for competitive SL surfers and there are rules in place to govern the operation of the competitions, including how each official role functions, to maintain the integrity of the standings and the organization.

The Constitution states the SLSA is also dedicated to promote SL surfing and surf-related sports.  While holding and promoting events through their website and social media, does the constitution spell out specific promotion activities or is it left to the discretion of the Board of Directors which may change each time a new Board is voted in place?   And what surf-related sports are included and to what degree is the SLSA using resources to promote them? We'll explore this and more as we delve into the SLSA Constitution.

Questions from Part 2: 

The Constitution states the SLSA is also dedicated to promote SL surfing and surf-related sports.  While holding and promoting events through their website and social media, does the constitution spell out specific promotion activities or is it left to the discretion of the Board of Directors which may change each time a new Board is voted in place?   And what surf-related sports are included and to what degree is the SLSA using resources to promote them?

*This is not an SLSA sanctioned series.  SurfWatch is exploring the SLSA Constitution as a long time member, supporter and participant in the SLSA over the years.  We invite SLSA and public comment for clarity and discussion.

Previous posts in this series:
Part 1: We Have a Constitution? Take a bite of the SLSA's Constitution


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