Part 1: We Have a Constitution? Take a bite of the SLSA's Constitution

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) Constitution are the laws that govern the operation of the SLSA. For a more detailed background of the organization, the early history of the Association can be found on the pages of "The History of the Second Life Surfing Association" located in the SLSA Hall of Fame at Solace Beach. Version 1.2.04, the current version that SurfWatch will be examining, can be found on the SLSA website.

Constitution Preamble:

The Clauses in the following document represent the rules and procedure for the operation of the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) and collectively form the association's constitution (SLSA constitution). The SLSA Constitution defines the structure, the purpose, and the operation of the association. The constitution represents one of four documents which govern the SLSA overall. The other documents are; the SLSA Event Rules (which provide the rules for running competitions and series), the SLSA Sportsmanship Code (which provides a guide to behavior which is respectful to other members rights and enjoyment), the SLSA Financial Management (which provides a standardized method for calculation of prizes and fees for event day volunteers, and sets standards for external payments and monthly reporting), and the SLSA Hearing Procedure (which provides guidelines for hearing protests and alleged rule transgressions). 

Break Down:

In order to run the Association by the rules of the Constitution, members - especially Directors - need to understand those rules. Competitors and general members also need to understand the rules to maintain compliance and to know what it is they're supporting with their membership.

SurfWatch will be presenting this on-going series to familiarize and understand the SLSA's constitution in bite sized chunks. We'll talk to SLSA members, former members and both current and past Directors about their understanding of the current Constitution, points of confusion, and areas of possible change. We'll have a look at all the referenced documents including the SLSA Event Rules, the SLSA Sportsmanship Code, the SLSA Financial Management, and the SLSA Hearing Procedure all referenced in the Preamble. Join us on this journey of education and understanding as we examine the SLSA Constitution. It's your group - you should know what it's about.

*This is not an SLSA sanctioned series.  SurfWatch is exploring the SLSA Constitution as a long time member, supporter and participant in the SLSA over the years.  We invite SLSA and public comment for clarity and discussion


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