SurfWatch Surfer Series: Moonie Kismet

SurfWatch recently caught up with Moonie Kismet, Second Life competition surfer, dance and gesture creator of the popular MOON MADE brand, shredding the waves in prep for the upcoming Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) competition at Fairhaven.

SurfWatch (SW): You've been in Second Life (SL) since 2010!  What brought you in?
Mօօռίε Kἶʂოεէ (MK): Actually since 2006, this is not my original avatar.
SW:  How did you even hear about SL back then?
MK: What brought me in is a friend of mine in RL (real life) kept bugging me to make an account and try it out, so finally I did.  And I was hooked (laughs).
SW:  (Laughs) You said it just as I was saying it!

SW:  What hooked you?
MK:  All the people.  Getting to meet and to know people from all over the world.
SW:  I love that, too.
MK:  It really is very cool.
SW:  There's possibly no other way to meet some of these people.
MK:  Exactly.

SW: What did you like to do in SL back then?
MK:  Back then, I tried different role plays.  And used to be into the Flurby's.  They don't exist any more, but were a cute little breedable, like Teddybear-looking that was animated (laughs).

SW:  Did you leave and come back?  Or how did you make the transition to Moonie?
MK:  I have had a few small breaks, only because of RL issues here and there, but no, mainly I have been here.  It's my relax zone.
SW:  I hear that!  It's my distraction.
MK:  Right!

SW:  So how did you come upon surfing?
MK:  So surfing was my sister Solsty (Kismet) (Laughs) . We had done a bit of surfing a few years back on the old Action boards.
SW: I still have a couple of those.
MK:  Not majorly into it back then but recently I've come to be into it a lot.

SW:  So you've known Solsty for a looong time.  How did you guys meet?
MK:  We met at our SL job, a club, way back when she was new.  Like, her first month I met her.  Been through it all.  ♥
SW:  Awesome to have someone to share it all with, for sure.
MK: For sure!

SW:  Tell me about your ventures into surfing now.  How did you get involved?
MK:  Solsty was going to compete in the HP5 in 2017. I joined her and only practiced like an hour, and ended up getting 4th place somehow (laughs).
SW:  WOOOOOT!!!  (fist pump!)
MK:  But there wasn't a lot of people in it at the time. (Laughs)  "cheers!"  It still felt good.  And then this year, I've really gotten more into it.
SW:  How awesome is that with only an hour of practice!
MK:  Yeah, I'm really new at surfing, to compete, and now my goals are to get better on each board.

SW: Do you have a favorite board?
MK:  I do (laughs), and I can't believe it, because I hated this board when I first started using it, but my fave is the LSD.
SW:  What about that board do you like so much?
MK:  I love that the possibilities are endless.  You can do so much with it.  Now that I learned to control it, man, it's a blast.
SW: I might have to surf with you on it.  I'm old school SSi, and the LSD freaks me out a little (laughs).
MK: (Laughs)  Yeah, it took me a while, then one day it just clicked.  And I REALLY hated it to start.

SW:  Do you also have a favorite wave?
MK:  I don't have a favorite wave.  I really like them all, now that I have done a few competitions and had to try different waves.  I have come to appreciate even the older ones.
SW:  How about flufflies?
MK:  I love those too!  They add a little bit of flare for extra fun between other waves.
SW:  (Laughs) And they sound so cute!
MK:  I know, right? (giggles).

SW:  Do you know where you are in the current SLSA standings?
MK:  Umm, I think 18th?  I honestly am not sure, though.  Not great, but I will improve.  It's not about the placement.  For me, it's all in fun, and mainly improving myself.

SW: That's always my goal - do better than I did last time.  So where do you see yourself in, say, two years in surfing?  Or what do you think surfing will be like?
MK:  I see myself definitely still surfing, and one day I plan to master all the boards.  (Laughs)  I will never give up trying.  And the people you meet along the way are so amazing.  If surfing changes honestly it can only improve, and I will be here to try it out!
SW: I know - can you image VR (virtual reality) surfing?  We'll be wearing headsets and feel the water splashing in our face.
MK: (Laughs) That would be sooo awesome! I would definitely try it.  I like my VR headset.

SW: Has there been anyone who's surfing style has made an impact on the way you surf?
MK:  Wow, yeah, everyone has been so nice to help me and give me pointers along the way.  Solsty Kismet, Kris Marley, Richie Marley, Johnny Whadd.  They have helped me so much.  I really appreciate everyone's support.

SW: Any new surfers you've seen coming up the ranks that you think we should keep an eye on?
MK: (Laughs) Nah, I am not really paying attention to that, just enjoying the ride along the way.

SW: What do you do when you're not surfing?
MK: I make dances and gestures; shopping - I have a terrible shopping habit (laughs). I love exploring new places and watching movies in here, too.
SW: What was the last movie you saw in here?
MK: It was the Black Panther.  New Marvel movie.
SW: Get out - they showed it in here?
MK: Yeah, it's on my TV (laughs).
SW: Wow - was it good?
MK: It is!  Man, it's a great movie, everything I had hoped.  If you haven't seen it yet, you definitely should.

SW:  (Laughs) I have not, but I will now!  What are some interesting places you'd recommend people go check out that you've discovered?
MK:  Oh wow...umm, now your putting me on the spot (laughs).  Well, I cannot remember them all.  I usually go through the Destination Guide and the Editors Pics.  But also the Linden portal place has some games you can do, and my favorite from those is Horizons, a 5 level game you run through.  It's hard and so fun.  I am still stuck on the 5th level though.  Have yet to finish (laughs).

SW: Dang, I miss all that stuff.  I really need to check out that Destination Guide and some of those games.
MK: (Laughs) I'll take you sometime.
SW: Okay, we're doing that!
MK:  Yay!

SW:  Tell me about the dances and gestures you make.  How did you get involved doing that?
MK:  They were a lot of fun.  I have always loved gestures and then discovered the dances.  I used to have to hunt people down to get something made.  Then one day I was like thinking this can't be that hard.  So I did some researching and taught myself how to make them.  And now I make things friends request.  I am a mod in the I ♥ Gestures group, so I keep an eye on that when I'm on, and often get requests for new dances or gestures to be made.  I really love doing it.
SW: (Laughs)  So you're like, hmm, I want to do that, and you do it.  And I'm like, help!  I can't get a demo off my face!  That is awesome.  Do you have a shop or on MP (Market Place)?  What's your brand name?
MK: (Laughs)  I do.  I have an MP store and my brand name is MOON MADE.

SW: I love that.  So we can find you on MP under MOON MADE - I'll be shopping later today (laughs).  So is there anything I haven't asked or anything else you'd like to mention?
MK:  No, actually you are amazing at this it was a lot of fun!
SW:  (Laughs)  No, YOU are amazing - I really enjoyed it!

MK:  Oh, I am helping with the training class for the kids last week of this month that will be sooo fun.
SW: The Surf Camp for kids at Oasis of Life?
SW: SWEEEET!!!  Tell me about that!
MK: I am really excited about that.  I am going to be a trainer for the C-3.  That is all I really know, but I can't wait, I'm super excited.
SW: We're going to come and hang out and watch cause I can only imagine how fun it's going to be!
MK:  (Laughs) Yeah, it will be fun.

Happening now:
Lil Surf Camp
April 22 to May 5, 2018


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