SurfWatch (SW): You've been in Second Life (SL) since 2010! What brought you in?
Mօօռίε Kἶʂოεէ (MK): Actually since 2006, this is not my original avatar.
SW: How did you even hear about SL back then?
MK: What brought me in is a friend of mine in RL (real life) kept bugging me to make an account and try it out, so finally I did. And I was hooked (laughs).
SW: (Laughs) You said it just as I was saying it!
SW: What hooked you?
MK: All the people. Getting to meet and to know people from all over the world.
SW: I love that, too.
MK: It really is very cool.
SW: There's possibly no other way to meet some of these people.

SW: What did you like to do in SL back then?
MK: Back then, I tried different role plays. And used to be into the Flurby's. They don't exist any more, but were a cute little breedable, like Teddybear-looking that was animated (laughs).
SW: Did you leave and come back? Or how did you make the transition to Moonie?
MK: I have had a few small breaks, only because of RL issues here and there, but no, mainly I have been here. It's my relax zone.
SW: I hear that! It's my distraction.
MK: Right!
SW: So how did you come upon surfing?
MK: So surfing was my sister Solsty (Kismet) (Laughs) . We had done a bit of surfing a few years back on the old Action boards.
SW: I still have a couple of those.
MK: Not majorly into it back then but recently I've come to be into it a lot.

MK: We met at our SL job, a club, way back when she was new. Like, her first month I met her. Been through it all. ♥
SW: Awesome to have someone to share it all with, for sure.
MK: For sure!
SW: Tell me about your ventures into surfing now. How did you get involved?
MK: Solsty was going to compete in the HP5 in 2017. I joined her and only practiced like an hour, and ended up getting 4th place somehow (laughs).
SW: WOOOOOT!!! (fist pump!)
MK: But there wasn't a lot of people in it at the time. (Laughs) "cheers!" It still felt good. And then this year, I've really gotten more into it.
SW: How awesome is that with only an hour of practice!
MK: Yeah, I'm really new at surfing, to compete, and now my goals are to get better on each board.
SW: Do you have a favorite board?

SW: What about that board do you like so much?
MK: I love that the possibilities are endless. You can do so much with it. Now that I learned to control it, man, it's a blast.
SW: I might have to surf with you on it. I'm old school SSi, and the LSD freaks me out a little (laughs).
MK: (Laughs) Yeah, it took me a while, then one day it just clicked. And I REALLY hated it to start.
SW: Do you also have a favorite wave?
MK: I don't have a favorite wave. I really like them all, now that I have done a few competitions and had to try different waves. I have come to appreciate even the older ones.
SW: How about flufflies?

SW: (Laughs) And they sound so cute!
MK: I know, right? (giggles).
SW: Do you know where you are in the current SLSA standings?
MK: Umm, I think 18th? I honestly am not sure, though. Not great, but I will improve. It's not about the placement. For me, it's all in fun, and mainly improving myself.
SW: That's always my goal - do better than I did last time. So where do you see yourself in, say, two years in surfing? Or what do you think surfing will be like?
MK: I see myself definitely still surfing, and one day I plan to master all the boards. (Laughs) I will never give up trying. And the people you meet along the way are so amazing. If surfing changes honestly it can only improve, and I will be here to try it out!
SW: I know - can you image VR (virtual reality) surfing? We'll be wearing headsets and feel the water splashing in our face.
MK: (Laughs) That would be sooo awesome! I would definitely try it. I like my VR headset.
SW: Has there been anyone who's surfing style has made an impact on the way you surf?
MK: Wow, yeah, everyone has been so nice to help me and give me pointers along the way. Solsty Kismet, Kris Marley, Richie Marley, Johnny Whadd. They have helped me so much. I really appreciate everyone's support.

MK: (Laughs) Nah, I am not really paying attention to that, just enjoying the ride along the way.
SW: What do you do when you're not surfing?
MK: I make dances and gestures; shopping - I have a terrible shopping habit (laughs). I love exploring new places and watching movies in here, too.
SW: What was the last movie you saw in here?
MK: It was the Black Panther. New Marvel movie.
SW: Get out - they showed it in here?
MK: Yeah, it's on my TV (laughs).
SW: Wow - was it good?
MK: It is! Man, it's a great movie, everything I had hoped. If you haven't seen it yet, you definitely should.

MK: Oh wow...umm, now your putting me on the spot (laughs). Well, I cannot remember them all. I usually go through the Destination Guide and the Editors Pics. But also the Linden portal place has some games you can do, and my favorite from those is Horizons, a 5 level game you run through. It's hard and so fun. I am still stuck on the 5th level though. Have yet to finish (laughs).
SW: Dang, I miss all that stuff. I really need to check out that Destination Guide and some of those games.

SW: Okay, we're doing that!
MK: Yay!
SW: Tell me about the dances and gestures you make. How did you get involved doing that?
MK: They were a lot of fun. I have always loved gestures and then discovered the dances. I used to have to hunt people down to get something made. Then one day I was like thinking this can't be that hard. So I did some researching and taught myself how to make them. And now I make things friends request. I am a mod in the I ♥ Gestures group, so I keep an eye on that when I'm on, and often get requests for new dances or gestures to be made. I really love doing it.

MK: (Laughs) I do. I have an MP store and my brand name is MOON MADE.
SW: I love that. So we can find you on MP under MOON MADE - I'll be shopping later today (laughs). So is there anything I haven't asked or anything else you'd like to mention?

SW: (Laughs) No, YOU are amazing - I really enjoyed it!
MK: Oh, I am helping with the training class for the kids last week of this month that will be sooo fun.
SW: The Surf Camp for kids at Oasis of Life?
SW: SWEEEET!!! Tell me about that!
MK: I am really excited about that. I am going to be a trainer for the C-3. That is all I really know, but I can't wait, I'm super excited.
SW: We're going to come and hang out and watch cause I can only imagine how fun it's going to be!
MK: (Laughs) Yeah, it will be fun.
Happening now:
Lil Surf Camp
April 22 to May 5, 2018
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