What are you thankful for?
Today in the states we celebrate Thanksgiving - some with family, some with strangers, some with turkey and stuffing and football, some alone with a cold sandwich in a car. Whatever your circumstances, we thank you for sharing SurfWatch with us today. When you log onto SurfWatch, you are sharing time with friends - family, even - many of us who have spent years together sharing time in a vitual world.
We appreciate every comment you have shared with us - the ones we post and the ones we are unable to post - because it shows you are reading SurfWatch. We appreciate the stories and scores and pictures you send to us. We appreciate the in-world comments when you don't want to make a public comment. We thank you for supporting us by joining our groups and visiting our shop and headquarters. Thank you for your support, your participation in Second Life (SL) surfing, the linden you spend on boards and clothes and donations, reading and sharing with SurfWatch, and for caring.
I personally am thankful to Barchan Paderborn, SW Founding Editor, for one of my most enjoyable, frustrating, time-consuming and rewarding hobbies; Lissa Pinion, SW Editor in Chief, for stepping up and keeping the SW dream alive; Ashleigh Dickins, SW In-World Edition Editor, for perserverence and dedication; all the SurfWatch staff, contributors and commentors that have made this more of a family operation by sharing their Second Lives with us, and Bandit for making room for me on the couch.
Feel free to share what you are thankful for in the comments section.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It’s that special time of year again, Thanksgiving. A time to be THANKfull for the good things in our lives, and a time to open our hearts and to let our GIVING spirits shine.
It’s a time when you can say hello and smile to anyone you want. A time to reach out to a friend you haven’t talked to in a while and let them know your thinking about them. A time when you can display a random acts of kindness.
Just remember, if you can’t finish your dinner, hold your plate under the table and I’ll come over and clean it off for you. You can be sure I’ll be curled up on your feet keeping them cozy during desert!
Happy THANKsGIVING, and licks on the noses to all my friends,
Be thankful you had a shopping cart on Black Friday. And please, please, please, return your carts to the cart corral in the parking lot. It’s gonna be a very looooong day for me!
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Jimbo The Cart Boy
As we Americans sit around our tables today and give thanks or watch football or both :-) I would like to share what I am thankful for each day.
I'm thankful for the many friends I have made from all over the world who have made my life so much richer for the knowing. I'm thankful my children are happy and healthy and are able to be kids. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be Editor in Chief for SurfWatch, a wonderful responsibility and honor. An amazing supporting staff and reader base is something else I am thankful for.
No matter what you are thankful for, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
I am most thankful for having met so many wonderful people in SL. If we have ever talked, you left an impression. I am especially grateful for the surfing community in SL. You have touched my life and made it richer.
I am so thankful for the special and wonderful people I have met in my SL. Especially for my special Jimbo! Please, please help him out by returning carts properly so he can not be so stressed out! LOL
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Be thankful you had a shopping cart on Black Friday. And please, please, please, return your carts to the cart corral in the parking lot.I like it very much very very good Thanks Munawar
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