special submission by Revlon "Revy" Benoir
In A Bountiful Universe What Am Thankful For?
When I was asked to write this year’s Surfwatch Thanksgiving post on what I have to be thankful about, I immediately started to think deeply about the topic at hand (well not immediately - first I had get past my swollen ego for being chosen).
My philosophy in life is that every day is filled with blessings both small and large, sometimes we fail to recognize the small things such as an IPhone has a built in IPOD, yet we always remember the really big stuff like my mother ill with cancer has recently celebrated another birthday. In recognition of Surfwatch, as the preeminent source of information pertaining to surfing in Second Life, I am going to focus what I am thank for in my Second Life.
I find it intriguing how one event has the possibility of developing into a complete branch of your life. On July 4, 2008, Mick Lunasea proposed and I became Mrs. Lunasea. While it is true that I had a nice Second Life before this special day, my union with Mickey has brought about so many new friends and exciting new adventures and I am very thankful for this. Last July Mickey and I celebrated our first year anniversary, we decided that we wanted to expand our family. We now have our son Jayden or Tiger as we prefer to call him. For this I am thankful.
I joined the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) early in my Second Life, however, I was never an active participant. Well, believe it or not, it is very hard to be Mrs. Lunasea and not become involved in organized surfing. I met so many wonderful people through my association with the SLSA that I wanted to give back to the community. I discussed this with Mickey and Surf Festival was born. So many people expressed how they enjoyed seeing the surfing community come together in a group effort, and I am thankful for the opportunity to be involved with the event.
While seeking a band to play at the Surf Festival, I was invited to join the SLNFL Broncos as a cheerleader. Through this adventure I came upon the Myst Dancers dance troupe. Dancing has always been a passion of mine in Real Life (RL), and I am very thankful for the opportunity to join such a highly regarded a dance troupe.
In closing, many of us have so much to be thankful for, however, we should not forget those less fortunate as well as those who honorably serve our countries. Let each of us make a point to remember them in our thoughts and prayers.
Giving Thanks

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