SurfWatch Partner: A Woman'sTouch

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SurfWatch Partner:  A Woman's Touch

Ashra Lang started A Woman's Touch in 2006 and it is the oldest club for women in Second Life.  As Persia Bravin wrote in SurfWatch's September 2018 article on A Woman's Touch, "Created by Ashra Lang, with landscaping by co-owner, Susan Mowadeng, ‘A Woman’s Touch’ like its name suggests, has been a female friendly hangout for well over a decade."  A Woman's Touch is primarily a sim by and for women, however, under certain circumstances, polite male avatars are allowed in provided they have a woman escort.  As quoted from Persia Bravin's article, Ashra is hopeful when people visit, "We want them to feel welcome and among friends. If they become regulars we want them to feel they are part of a family.”

To find out more about A Woman's Touch, read Persia's write up in it's entirety,
Legend In Its Own Lifetime: Surfing At ‘A Woman’s Touch’, or by reading the A Woman's Touch website, or by visiting this beautiful sim in Second Life.  You can always find all partner website and landmark links in the sidebar under "SurfWatch in Partnership with..." in webview.

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