Legend In Its Own Lifetime: Surfing At ‘A Woman’s Touch’

Words: Persia Bravin
Images: Leanne8976 Resident

Longevity of anything in Second Life - be it relationships, businesses or projects - should always be applauded, but when it comes to sims…perhaps even more so. In the fast moving and often changing world that is SL, sims appear then vanish with such frequency that you come to expect your list of coveted surf sim landmarks to be redundant regularly. So, to visit a sim that has been in existence since 2006 and which still manages to attract a devoted clientele is a rare privilege.

Created by Ashra Lang, with landscaping by co-owner, Susan Mowadeng, ‘A Woman’s Touch’ like its name suggests, has been a female friendly hangout for well over a decade. It may be the Grande Dame of female orientated beach sims but it’s by no means old fashioned. Set in a tropical beach environment, the sim hosts an array of activities including horse riding, live DJ shows and parties on the spacious dance floor. Brightly coloured cushions scattered around blazing campfires provide a cosy social space, plus you can flash your cash at the various shops on sim.

“We bill ourselves as a fun and safe place for women to relax and have fun together,” explains Ashra, “and there are also secluded areas where you can relax privately with a friend.” The sim is indeed very relaxing and the perfect place to hang out with your female friends for a girlie chat. With mystical fairy forests, grottoes and waterfall filled caves, there are many secluded places if you are seeking some quiet contemplation or just somewhere soothing to sit and chat.

If you are feeling more energetic, ‘A Woman’s Touch’ offers a surf run located in between the main and residential sims with Maoli fluffs plus board rezzers for some fun and fast low-down surf action. You can happily spend hours here on a C-3 board perfecting your skills on the fluffies and practising some new moves. “We decorated the sim as a tropical island and originally the waves were decorative, but when I found they could be used for surfing, we added them as a feature,” says the sociable Ashra, who is adept at providing new activities for her established customers.

While the sim has been created by and for women, male avatars are allowed at ‘A Woman’s Touch’ under certain conditions. “We allow polite men as long as they are escorted by a woman,” Ashra says smiling. “If a male wanted to see the club, they could IM me and I could be their temporary escort.” After so many years running this legend of a sim – what does she hope people feel when they visit? “We want them to feel welcome and among friends. It they become regulars we want them to feel they are part of a family.” With visitors from across the world and a friendly and safe atmosphere, it’s easy to see why the sim has lasted as long as it has. Long may ‘A Woman’s Touch’ continue: I hope to be there for the twentieth anniversary party.

Find out more about this legendary sim here:


Visit: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/A%20Womans%20Touch/47/129/23

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1 comment:

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

Awesome write up, Persia! I'll be popping over to check this place out!