Images & Décor: Leanne Mordue

If you live on or near a beach in Second Life™ it can be tricky to know how to change the atmosphere of your home as the seasons change. With so many of us choosing beachside living all year round, the contrast between sunny, sandy beaches and seasonal décor can look out of place, but by creating a theme and shopping for just a few new accessories, your beachfront home can be transformed. Don’t think pumpkins and palm trees or spirits and surfboards go together this Fall? Read on…

Pick out accessories in matching hues to echo the season. For a Fall or Halloween theme, rich reds, burnt orange and deep gold tones reflect real life nature at this time of year. Baskets of ripe fruit and displays of dried grasses remind us of harvest time and roosting birds hint that the long, dark winter is on its way…
{what next} 'Hello Fall' Wreath (lit) – Small
{what next} 'Hello Fall' Welcome Mat
JIAN Barn Owl :: Placer
dust bunny . dwarf fruit trees . green apple tree

Create a warm welcome for your guests with a blazing fire and sumptuous seating that you can sink into. Scavenged animal skulls and wreaths of autumn berries make the changes in nature the focus and dimly lit candles cast a ghostly glow…
Violetility - Autumn Rug [Pumpkin Spice]
Trompe Loeil - Nellah Couch {A}
Trompe Loeil - Eloa Flower Chair Dark {A}
Apple Fall Deer Skull
Apple Fall Clifton Cast Iron Fireplace (White)

Even your bedroom can take on a Fall theme. A large tin bath provides a cosy corner feature to warm up after a hard day surfing and scatter pumpkins in autumnal shades for a spooky vibe. If your beach house is haunted (like the one at Surfer’s Bay VIP) then maybe a ghost might appear at this bewitching time of year…
DRD - Rustic Bathroom - Bathtub – ADULT
Chained Grim Bone Ghost
Trompe Loeil - Ceres Pumpkin Tall Decorated
Apple Fall Countryfolk Bed (Adult 1.1)

Celebrate natures bounty with a Fall feast for friends and decorate your table with warm apple cider, decadent pumpkin pie and hot sugary doughnuts. In Celtic times, people would set up places at their dinner tables and offer the spirits food and drink – so don’t forget to leave out a sweet treat for any wandering ghosts…
{what next) Slice of Pumpkin Pie Décor
{what next} Apple Cider Tray
{what next} Pumpkin Party Cooler V3
Industrial Metal Chair CHEZ MOI

A Surfer’s Bay Ghost Story
On the night of October 31st, 1832, the notorious and much feared pirate Captain Josiah Jones left his home on a small secret island in the Flores Sea and set sail to pillage a fleet of ships laden with gold on route from Indonesia to London.
Leaving behind his wife, the beautiful Elizabeth Jones, to guard his large stash of pirate plunder, Josiah sailed straight into a fierce tropical storm that ripped asunder his tall ship, killing his dastardly crew and sending the handsome pirate Captain to his watery grave.
Back on shore, Elizabeth watched in horror as her beloved was lost at sea and overcome with grief and unable to face life without him, she hoisted a ships rope over a beam in their house and hung herself, tears streaming down her face as life slipped from her.
Many years have now passed since the deaths of the infamous Josiah and Elizabeth - but it is said - that every All Hallows Eve, you can still see the ghost of the beautiful Elizabeth wandering their old house and wailing for her lost love on the beach at that is now known as Surfer’s Bay…
Visit Josiah and Elizabeth’s haunted house at Surfer’s Bay VIP
Items used outside their house
Scarlet Creative Prairie Cream Cottage
Kalopsia - 13 - Tabitha's Pentagram
{what next} Fall Hanging Lanterns With Posts (green/natural)
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