Munro Wedding Photos

Photos courtesy Sugar B. Good

The bride arrived in a beautiful white carriage and the beautiful couple, Dillan and Kimmy Munro, head down the aisle to begin the ceremony.
The bride's Man of Honor also gave her away, pulling double duty.

The bride, groom, Man of Honor and Best (Wo) Man.

Special vows the couple wrote for this occasion.

The exchange of rings.

 The beautiful couple and some of their guests.
 Everyone was brought to tears at the moving ceremony.  Thank heavens Sugar had tissues!
Following the ceremony, the couple did the traditional dance, cut the cake, and the Best (Wo)Man made a special toast.

Congratulations to the fabulous couple!

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Anonymous said...

I still get teary eyed when I think about the wedding. Pass the tissues please Tauri. ;)

Sugar B. Good

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

Okay Sugar, but the only one I have left is you go....ewwwwwww lol!

Anonymous said...

Oh...never mind then. :P lol
