Submitted by Solsty Kismet
The seasons may have changed, but the surf world hasn't missed a beat. October promises to be an exciting month for all of us.
On Thursday, October 5th, talented board designer, Sebastian Dangerfield, is rebooting his class from Surf Camp. Dangerfield had an unexpected fiasco with his computer and was unable to teach the class at that time. Undeterred, he's back in the game and ready to teach us all how to work those pesky customization kits we love so much from Cat & Cry board makers.
The first ten people to contact me, Solsty Resident, inworld gets a free board and paint kit! Registration will stay open and walk-ins are welcome. However, Cat has graciously offered to give a gift to the 10 most eager surfers. Class attendance is required to receive your gifts!
If you're not into external programs and desperately want to avoid learning how to do this yourself, why not attend the class and personally meet up with one of SL's most talented customizers of the C-3 board. Sebastian will be on hand to not only answer any questions but also take any orders for those of us dying to have our own unique board without putting in any actual work to obtain it!
Time: 10:30 AM SLT
Date: Thursday, October 5th
Contact Info: Solsty Kismet (Solsty Resident), Sebastian Dangerfield (Genejeanie Resident)
C-3 Board Customization

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