20 Questions: Surf Perspective - Jordan Mendle-Halderman

Submitted by Zelda Zimberman

20 Questions: Surf Perspective is part of a continuing series SurfWatch will be running as participants respond to Zelda's questionaire.
1. Name: 
Jordan Mendle-Halderman

2. Team: 

3. Surfing Since: 
August 2009

4. Favorite Board and why?: 
I love my Pray4Surf shorty and long board. They were custom made for me by Rayzza Rubble. They are my best friends on the waves.

5. Favorite Wave and why?: 
The Maverick is my favorite (Joaquina coming in close second). It is a nicely designed, smooth wave that I never get tired of riding. It has provided hours of fun for me over the years. :)

6. How did you come across surfing on SL and what was your first initial reaction to it?: 
The first time I saw waves, and people surfing on them was at Mori Pwani. I fell in love with surfing then and there, and never turned back.

7. Are you involved in the SLSA (second life surfing association) in any way? (competitions, events, etc.): 
Yes, I've been competing in SLSA comps since late 2009.  I have judged competitions several times in the past as well.

8. What are your thoughts or opinions on the direction on the SLSA from 2012 and beyond?: 
I think that the SLSA is heading in a  positive direction. Lately, they are trying new things, such as the introduction of the HP5 board into our competitions. Also, the election of new directors who have never served before, bring new ideas and perspectives to SLSA which I find very refreshing.

9. What do/did you find positive and negative about it? 
see above.

How would you like to see it improve more?: 
Updated rules, doing what is necessary to eliminate bias in competitions.

10. Do you compete in any surfing competitions SLSA or non?: 
I compete mostly in SLSA comps, but I've competed in Surf Jams,  ASA comps,  various tandem comps and whatever else comes my way.

11. What do/did you find gratifying and dissatisfying about competitions?:  
Winning is always gratifying right?  Dissatisfying is when you feel something is being done that is biased or unfair.  We've all experienced it at one point or another in an SLSA comp. The true goal of surfing here in SL, truly is to have fun, and if you can achieve that mindset, then nothing can bother you.  If you take everything seriously and personally when competing, you will only be happy when you win. That doesn't sound fun at all.

12. How do you feel about the SLSA using non SSI boards for competitions? (ex; HP5, LSD, Action): 
I enjoyed  learning how to use the HP5 again.  I think adding too many boards makes things too messy.  I enjoy SSI boards and being challenged on different types of waves. However, introducing  non-SSI boards couldn't hurt, you'll never know how it works out until you try it.

13. If you are currently inactively involved in competitions (surfing, judging, etc.) what was the reason for leaving? Would you want to come back and participate? Please explain your answer: 

14. What are your thoughts on the team dynamics?: Is there a team you particularly like? Why?: 
I have always loved the idea of being on a team.  However, I am very serious about it as well.  If I don't "feel" like I am on a team or if it doesn't feel like a family to me, then I won't be around long.  I am willing to do whatever is necessary for my team, as long as I feel appreciated. I am really happy where I am now, and will stay as long as Montego will have me. :)

15. Is there anyone on here that particularly had an impact when it came to surfing, mentoring, and overall being a role model for you? Who and why? Please explain your answer: 
Wow, I can't answer with just one person.  There have been so many that have mentored me in surfing, to limit this answer to one person would be impossible. Some of the amazing mentors I've had since I've started surfing are:  Harbor Piers, Triston Mayo, Wil DeCuir, Abel Halderman and Colleen Brennan and many others.

16. What was your favorite moment or memory on surfing here?: 
When Abel and I won first and second place at the 2012 Tai Comp a couple of months ago.  That was really fun and memorable.

17. Is there anyone you know or knew that isn't active as much in surfing and would like to see come back? Who and why?: 
Yendor Destiny was a great surfer.  I hate that fact that many surfers stop surfing once they hit #1.  Also, I'd love to see Quench Spotter come back. He's a great friend and surfer.

18. Many people have strong opinions when it comes to SL surfing and RL surfing. What is your take on the comparison?: 
Lol... I don't have a take on it.  Comparing the two is a bit ridiculous.  Isn't it?  

19. Do you have any advice for new SL surfers on here?: 
Don't get discouraged.  Have fun.  Don't let the little things get to you. The memories you will have here will be spectacular if you don't focus on winning. Winning competitions are just side benefits to surfing in SL.  The real fun is in the friendships you create here.

20. Any other thoughts?: 
OK random thoughts.. here goes...Surfing in the SLSA is fun.  If you don't mind sacrificing a Saturday or two a month to compete in a virtual world,  this is for you.  You can be as involved as you want to be.  It's free!   You make great friends here.   It's crazy, it's dramatic and definitely not boring. I met my real-life hubby through my participation in the SLSA. :)  If I had to do this all over again, I would. :))  Cheers!

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