Riders For a Cure Wraps Up Relay for Life Weekend

This year was a record breaking year of fundraising for the Riders for a Cure team with the total of $252,908L or $944.72USD raised and these totals will continue to rise until the 2011 Relay for Life of SL season ends on August 20th!The Riders for a Cure team has begun wrapping up the 2011
RFL season with the final event coming on August 6th with the famous annual Surf For a Cure event. Keep dropping $L into the team kiosks you see all over the beaches of SL and stay tuned for more info on the Surf for a Cure event or even better, if you have a sim and want to host a couple of hours of great fun, contact me at lissapinion@gmail.com or by notecard inworld

Special thanks to Sierra Sugar and Cole Eyre who designed and built the Riders for a Cure campsite, VW Sands who built the Riders for a Cure water park, and Sebastian Saramago who once again, donated the official RFL surfboard. Thanks to the members of Riders for a Cure for coming out to the events and working and to the surf community for showing once again that we will not give up on the fight to cure all cancer. Below are some pictures from the RFL of SL event that took place this past weekend. The Theme was Seasons of Hope and our campsite was on one of the Spring sims. As you walk a path that wandered through flowers, you come to a pool with a wave, a board, and around the wave were special boards of dedication to those battling, those who have beat and those we have lost to cancer.

Until there is a cure we RELAY!

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