MaryAnn Maa would like to offer a huge Thank You to the participants in the SLSA Valentines Date Auction.
Bandit, Colleen, OldSurferDude, Deb, Donni, Kristen, Wil, Connie, Amp, Surf .Geof, Lady, Rayzza, Sausage, Badgie, Mal, Sonya, Sunrize, Milo, Arjuna, Albert, Dixson, Opal, CK, Wicked, Yasbel, Galagan, Jay, Asa, Zelda, Synthetic, Rain, Val, Doxx, Bobbi, Nadja, Molly, Looseleaf, Damiana, Kantbe, Frankie, Jordan, Abel, and Vincent. ;)
You participation has made this the most successful date auction to date. Topping the 2010 auction !!!...
The people who offered them selves as dates.
The people who bid on dates.
To the winners of the super cool dates.
To the wonderful people who dropped by and chatted with me in the 300 hours i sat at Archipelago, I am greatful for your company....
This auction ran for 4 weeks..........it was a long one.
A special note:::
I always enjoy seeing people make some unexpected hook up's
during these auctions, Well, this time I am way happy to report
that I was the lucky one to find the man who melted my heart,
Vincent Renoir........sighs.......
Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone..
MaryAnn Maa
1 comment:
Thank you so much for all the hard work you've done in the auction, Mary!
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