1st Alexia Marais 12.16667
2nd Donni Dibou 12.00000
3rd Ceedi Doghouse 9.166667
4th Adrien Roxley 7.666667
5th Kim Henig 7.500000

Heat 1:
Rick Galli 3.666667
Fonda Fugue 12.33333*
Alexia Marais 12.50000*

Heat 2:
Avidward Flagon 8.166667*
Buck Ghostraven 4.666667
Adrien Roxley 11.33333*

Heat 3:
Kim Henig 11.66667*
OldSurferDude Danitz 7.500000**
Jayden Domenici 11.50000*

Heat 4:
Cymindra Descha 8.833333*
Lourinho Nizna 7.666667**
Ceedi Doghouse 8.500000*

Heat 5:
Dane Kutenai 6.166667
Van Valeeva 11.00000*
Donni Dibou 11.50000*
Abel Halderman NS/Worked as Staff
CordZiZ Fallen NS
Staff: Bobbi Laval, WickedV Carver, Cloudy Mikado, Maldrul Morris, Abel Halderman
* moves on to surf in the West of Ireland Pro Surf Comp to be held Saturday, Oct 23
** Wild Cards move on to surf in the West of Ireland Pro Surf Comp to be held Saturday, Oct 23
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