Jokers Wiiiiiiilllld!!!

With Halloween just around the corner, you never know what creepy crawly things will turn up! 

Be the first to post in comments the name of this "seeeeerious" joker scaring the waves at Chi and win 250L!!!


Jimbo said...

I'll take a wild guess and go with Painless Skytower

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

OoOOo, great wild guess, Jimbo! But no cigar - keep trying!!!

Anonymous said...

Geez... that wouldn't happen to be Kantbe Thursday would it?

Kantbe Thursday said...


No Soup for YOU!!!!!!!


Abel Halderman said...

Jayden? He likes to change ;-)

Kantbe Thursday said...

I'm LUV'N this!!!

I know who it is, I know who it is.. hahaha!

But I ain't tell'n...

This is great!!!!!

Keep guess'n ya'll!!!! :-))

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said... the winds howl....the bats take wing...the zombies reach their hands out from their soily grave to say...No one guessed yet! Keep trying and here's a lil clue...he recently got hitched...

Abel Halderman said...


Abel Halderman said...

No way Quench would wear this right? ;-)

Kimmy Jigsaw said...

Qball or Juna ...?

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

It IS Juna! 250L will be coming Abel's way! And be on the lookout for future SurfWatch articles by SurfWatch's newest staff member, Arjuna Bombastic aka "Juna", on the blog and in our in-world edition!

Anonymous said...

Oh that gets my goat. Since I was just editing him!!!! Grrr. And I guessed Kantbe because T stressed "Serious"