Mari's Mailbag - Competition

Should you compete? I would say positively compete! You have to at least try it. It was the greatest experience. I met lots of great people, and the venues were all challenging. Had I never competed, I would not have known how to surf the fluffies. The Chi Fluffy Challenge forced me to learn how to surf fluffies and happy to say I did quite well having never surfed them before. Was so challenging. Competing can either be done on a team or independently, depending on your preference. For me, the team was great.  They help to keep you motivated and practice together. Its also lots of fun waiting for your heat when you have team members you can cheer for and vice-versa. I have friends who surf independently, and they love it, too. Try one and if you don't like it, try the other, but do try. The experience will stay with you and so will all the lasting friendships you make.


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