Colleen Brennan recently caught up with MarkFoo Waverider on behalf of SurfWatch, fresh off his ABSSL (Associacao Brasileira de Surf no SL) first place win on Sunday, September 20, after coming in 4th in the SLSA Round 2 at Sol Mananero the day before.
SurfWatch: How does it feel to be first SLSA gringo to win in ABSSL?
MarkFoo Waverider: Oh, it's just a great honor. A bonus with my Brazilian friends. Many surfers deserve the title. I had the good waves.
SW: All of the surfers looked so good. Did you get your style from being inspired by anyone else?
MW: Here I can say I found my own style, but RL surfers inspire me always.
SW: As Leo (Leogarto Burt) noted, it seems with each competition, it is getting harder and harder because people are getting better. I guess you would feel that way, especially about yourself.
MW: I spend a lot of time watching video and surfing myself. (laughs) Sure, it will getting harder, but it's not an issue.
SW: You are a contender for the season championsip now. Will you definitely be here on December 2nd?
MW: We all know we can win or lose. December 2 .... umm, lemme me check ....YAY YAY, sure, I'll be here. FOR THE FUN, FOR THE SURF and we'll see ....
SW: Did it make a difference having your team of supporters?
MW: Always. I don't know how to explain. We are a gang, a family, a tribe. I win, we all win.
SW: Is there any special comment you would like to make summing up how you feel?
MW: In peace with myself. I wish I could share it with tons of surfers.
SW: What is your favorite thing about surfing in the ABSSL?
MW: Awww you know, the ride, the smooth, the tube. You enter in and waaaaaa - no more shit - you're in, and it's magic.
SW: You have surfed every wave in SL. Would you say any particular is your favorite, or do you find that each has its own charms?
MW: New waves, new challenges, new emotions. I love epics, HP. I love surf. I think that's all.
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