Director Candidate: GiavannaMarie Melody

SurfWatch is conducting interviews with the September 1, 2009, Director nominees to provide voters with an in-depth look at their candidates.  Following is SurfWatch's interview with prospective Director, GiavannaMarie Melody.

SW: You are currently ranked 35th for last season's SLSA surf rankings and you've been surfing for Reef Riders. We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What would you bring as a director and why are you running?
GM:  I am running for the SLSA board because I love SL surfing and am committed to the long term success of this organization. I bring to the SLSA both my experience as a pro rider and a strong work ethic. Whatever I take on, I give myself to the task at 100%. My close friends know that I am a problem solver and love to listen and offer advice. I believe that this and my organizational skills will help benefit the SLSA. As the newest member, I bring a fresh perspective and will strive to contribute new ideas.

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see?
GM:  I would love to have more input and dialogue with the surfers in the competitions. After all, they are the ones competing. I would like to see ongoing and open discussions on possible improvements in the areas of: venues, types of waves, times of competitions and boards used. I feel the riders could offer some inovative ideas, and we could do so in a mature manner. As far as the issue of times of competitions being at the same time, I feel that it is important to have them at different times if possible since many of the competitors are from all parts of the world. I know there are some riders who cannot compete because of time restrictions.  Having a better mix of times would generate more interest I feel.

SW: What do you see as the top issues and what would be your first priority?
GM:  As I just noted in my previous response, there are many issues which we should open dialogue on including: venues, types of waves, times of competitions and boards used. I feel that I am reperesenting the surf community, and I would love to get their feedback on these and other issues.

SW: Why should you be elected over any other candidates?
GM:  I know I am in great company with the other candidates. I feel that I should be elected because I am willing to work very hard for this organization, remain neutral in my decisions and listen to my constituents and fellow Board members as we all work together to continue a strong SLSA for the community of surfers.

SW: What were you most dissatisfied with as an SLSA member in the past season?
GM:  I came in partway through the season but learned so much. I think the way the season ended on a sour note kind of killed the mood of the season. But as we embark on the new season, I feel the past is past and the present and the future are the main focus.  Never forgetting the past ,but rather build from it to improve the SLSA.

SW:  Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2009 Season 1 and possible issues moving into Season 2:
GM:  One thing I would hear as a new person last season was how there were issues with tricked out boards. I know its how you surf and how you use the waves, but I thought about it and figured if there is a possible solution to this, it would be to have sponsered boards.  Everyone rides equal boards provided by SLSA. So far this season, I havent heard such issues coming forward, but I would listen to the SLSA community and try to solve any issues by providing solutions and listening to what solutions the SLSA community would like to have.

International Surfing Challenge:
I love the idea of competing against other surfers and getting our league notoriety. Anytime you can bring different surfing associations together only strenghens our relationship with other organizations

Pulling of the Thor Bishop Award
I understand why it was done. But it is still important to recognize our surfers. I feel that a new award should be created possibly after our fallen brother, Blood Klotzel.

The issue of "realistic" surfing vs. "gaming"
I am on the side of realism. I am a real surfer and my own surf technique on SL is to attemp to have a realistic look to my surfing. I do know this is a game to others and don't wish to disrespect them. SL gives everyone the oppurtunity to do things they may not be able to do in real life.

The DQ decision
I know this is a hard decision. But there are rules that must be followed. I expect if I did anything to violate the Code of Conduct, that I would be subject to being disqualified. The reason we have rules is to make sure our organization runs efficiently, and that is something I personally support 100%

The new organizations, competitions, boards and waves
I believe in a free world.  If that means new organizations, then so be it. But SLSA to me is the best and where all the top SL surfers come to showcase their talent. As for boards, I think having SLSA sanctioned boards provided at the competitions may solve some issues, but I would want the feedback from all SLSA members first. Waves, ahh yes, those lovely waves.....I love the new format we just did at Mori. It made it very interesting. I feel that kind of mix challenges the surfers.

All candidates are invited to complete this Director candidate questionnaire and provide this information and a photo for publication in SurfWatch prior to the election on September 1, 2009.  Contact Tauri Tigerpaw if you need more information.

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