Director Candidate: Desirae Beamont

SurfWatch is conducting interviews with the September 1, 2009, Director nominees to provide voters with an in-depth look at their candidates.  Following is SurfWatch's interview with prospective Director, Desirae Beaumont.

SW: You are currently ranked 1 for last season's SLSA surf rankings and you've been surfing for almost 2 years. We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What would you bring as a director and why are you running?
DB:  I think that I can help SLSA and want to give something back after the years of competing only.

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see?
DB:  We need way more people who volunteer and keep it running, especially judges.

SW: What do you see as the top issues and what would be your first priority?
DB:  We need more training for judges, especially training with top surfers who can tell what they do. I have some ideas and talked to Sally LaSalle about them already. Second: We don't need to re-invent the wheel. We must make it run smooth

SW: Why should you be elected over any other candidates?
DB:  I am in SLSA for almost 2 years now and have a lot of experience as surfer and now as judge/head judge, too.  I believe that I can help SLSA to improve.

SW: What were you most dissatisfied with as an SLSA member in the past season?
DB:  The comp at Braata with switching judges several times and the long time of the competition. It was a killer for us Europeans.

SW:  Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2009 Season 1 and possible issues moving into Season 2:

International Surfing Challenge
It's a good idea, but we have to be careful not to give up our identity. We are the No.1 surfing association.
Our boards are way better and more fun to use.

Pulling of the Thor Bishop Award
I would have preferred to let Sierra Sugar chose the winner. Like she did it before.

The issue of "realistic" surfing vs. "gaming"
We have to find a good mix between gaming and the more smooth surfing. But it's a question of scoring. If you don't score crazy aerials higher than smooth tricks, people won't take the time to practice for them.

The DQ decision
It was inappropriate behaviour and we can't accept it. It was a very bad day for all of us. Lack of respect is not acceptable.

The new organizations, competitions, boards and waves
Well...they shall try and if they are successful, then it will help to improve surfing. But we are doing great and
they have to look at us.

All candidates are invited to complete this Director candidate questionnaire and provide this information and a photo for publication in SurfWatch prior to the election on September 1, 2009.  Contact Tauri Tigerpaw if you need more information.

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