Wave Report Changes

The June update to the SurfWatch Wave Report is out, both on the website and inworld. Current versions of the inworld SurfSim Teleport Board will be automatically distributed to those who already have a copy. The most current one can always be found by the rez area on Bluff Cove and at the information hut on Bundy Reef.

If you happen to prefer grabbing the notecard version, it will be one that reflects the June 2019 date.

If you've been using the HUD version, just Add/Wear it and the most recent version will be sent to you automagically.

There a few fairly significant changes this month. In addition to the codings for what type of board rezzers are available on each sim (thanks to a suggestion from Teddy Bear (atlasshrugged3)) and the location's rezzing policy, such as Open Rezzing, Group Only Rezzing, a Rezz Area, or No Rezzing (thanks to a suggestion from Austin Novaland), we've added another category for "Other". Right now, these are codings for the type of wave being run if it's something different or in addition to a Maoli wave.

For example, Blue Water Cove doesn't allow rezzing other than for a private group, has a Maoli board rezzer, and has wave generators for both Maoli and Marina Bay waves.  So that sim's description is: BLUE WATER COVE NUDE BEACH (RN; m;MMB). Don't worry, there's a Legend on the Wave Report web site and at the end of the inworld notecard that explains all of these codes.

As always feedback, suggestions, notice of new and closing sims are always appreciated.  There are 92 surfing locations in the current release.  It's only through your help that maintaining this list is possible.

It would also be remiss to not thank Denise Foxtrot for providing the SurfSim Teleport Board, for Austin Novaland for developing the HUD version, and Denise for providing the backend server work that makes the updates possible.

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