photos by Jean Neymar
Jean Neymar (jeanquille) is a man of many talents. For not only is he an acclaimed builder of the best beach themed furniture and buildings around, he has also constructed a drop-dead gorgeous surf sim and is a professional photographer in his real life. For Jean, both lives are full of creative possibilities, and he never seems to run out of new ideas or inspiration – even earning the nickname ‘Busy Jean’ because of his prolific Second Life (SL) output.
“I like to build because it’s fun,” explains Jean. “My inspiration comes from several sources: sometimes from my own imagination and at other times, in response to ideas from customers. I first came to Second Life™ to dream and escape from my real life and was immediately attracted by SL’s tropical islands and beaches and discovered SL surfing. With my real-life knowledge of Photoshop, I started out making boat textures before evolving towards mesh builds.”
It’s these mesh builds that Jean has become most famous for. Beach lovers will delight in his seaside themed structures such as beach bars, quaint fisherman’s huts, racks of surfboards and brightly coloured beach sofas that are perfect for lounging on post surf. The attention to detail in Jean’s work is evident: his textures are sublime and carefully created for optimum realism - perfect for any surf inspired sim or home.
You can easily spend hours wandering around his ‘Marina Bay’ store inworld, losing yourself in the vibrant myriad of his creations and dreamily planning what to purchase next. “My store looks like Arabian souk; I’m sorry about that!” laughs Jean, “I can provide demos of my work for people to see and evaluate and I also have a store on the SL Marketplace. “Creatively, I live from day to day, and I wait to pick up an idea. They come like waves… sometimes big, sometimes small, and there also windless days…”
Jean’s excellent reputation as a visionary builder is growing rapidly in the SL surf scene and his business is set to expand even further thanks to recently joining his surf sim - Nazamur - with his store on a four-sim estate along with his French compatriots, Absolut creation and Pixel fashion; both legendary labels in the SL fashion world. Nazamur is a true reflection of Jean’s imagination and the sim acts as an ideal showcase for his work. Dotted around his sim are quiet areas with seating and daydreaming spots, pathways leading to mysterious caves, abundant wildlife and Maoli waves – it’s a tranquil sim, created in Jean’s unique style.
So does the notoriously ‘Busy Jean’ ever get time to surf or visit other beaches? “I don’t take part in SL surfing competitions, but I always look for the beautiful sims or those sims where one can talk to surfers or places where I can make beautiful photos,” he says, smiling, “I visit Bumrose, Dreamers, and T’ai which belongs to my friend Teddy Bear, but there are many others too – I have about 25 sims as favourites.” With his flair for building beach themed products and his dreamer’s soul, Jean Neymar is charismatic man that I expect we will all see much more of in the years ahead.
Jean Neymar would like to thank: Teddy Bear, Ginger Chevalier and all the surfers who make our world.
Inworld shop:
Jean’s sim:
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